Saturday, July 28, 2007

My Foray Into Writing

Edward Halkum awoke at exactly 6:30 from his 12-hour sleep session. He was sleeping an extra hour than the other night because staff evaluations were going to be done today. He wanted to be more focused than he had ever been his whole life.

He fired up the coffee pot, slipped some bread into the toaster, and cracked two raw eggs into the blender, along with his orange juice and milk. His co-workers all considered him strange, but he didn't care. He was always told by his hero, his father, that, "Dedication to your job is dedication to a bright and better future."

After he finished his meal, he jumped into his car and drove to work, commenting on all the "bad driving" on the way. He always thought he was the best driver in this town, and everyone else had no clue what they were doing.

He arrived at work, with the always inviting, "Good morning, dork." from Kurt, the man who sits across from him. Ed didn't respond. He didn't want to stoop to Kurt's level.

He looked over to his boss, Molly's window, she wasn't in.

"Where in the hell is Molly?" asjed Ed.
"She's out sick," replied Kurt and Kim, the receptionist.
"OK, why?"
"Apparently the flu," Kurt responded.
"Um, yeah. I've never seen her take a sick day or a personal day, and she's worked here for about..." Edward quickly thought up a figure, "7 years."
"Well, then it's about time she ran, isn't it?" quipped, Kurt.
"OK, i don't think that's funny. It could be a very serious illness she has."
"You're just worried because you want your girlfriend to give you a good evaluation, aren't you?"
"Ok, that is also not funny."

So, Edward went about his day, sorting files, calling clients, the usual. The end of the day arrived, that's when calls slow down. At 4:57, Edward's phone rang, as everyone else had left.

Edward answered.
"Hi, is this Edward Halkum?"
"Yes this is, may i ask who this is?"
"I can't tell you who this is. But i can only tell you that you're boss has been kidnapped by very bad people and all of the people you work with are behind it. If you stay on this line with me, Ill tell you all you need to know to get her back."

Edward rapidly grabbed his pen and paper pad and wrote all of the information down. He went home that night, and went to bed even earlier. The next day was going to be a very busy one indeed.

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