Monday, July 23, 2007

Taste the Happy

I'm unbelievably elated right now. But pissed off about something at the same time.

I'm pissed off at the fact that i bought a used copy of Little Miss Sunshine from Wherehouse yesterday, i watched it last night, and at a certain part of the film, a weird subtitle appears and never leaves. I don't think it's in any particular language, it sorta looks like a mix between Arabic and Spanish. I turned the disc over to the fullscreen side, which i did not desire to do, and it worked very well until near the end of the movie. Another came up.

I have no idea if it is some deal with dirtiness or scratching, i looked at the disc and it seemed fine. I'll clean it later to find out.

Why the happy? Someone that sad they didn't feel the same way as i did for them changed her mind. Ecstatic feelings ensue.

1) "The fucking chicken again? Every night with the goddamn fucking chicken!"

- Little Miss Sunshine

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