Friday, August 31, 2007

'Sept Ember.

Tomorrow starts September. An okay month, in my opinion. And that's pretty much the only reason i titled this post with that particular one.

Anyway, can anyone gues where i went yesterday??

No? Okay, fine then. I went to the doctor. It was the first time we'd seen each other in 2 years, so it was nice. She had had a baby the year before.So, we quickly caught up somewhat, and then i got test results done. It was a very easy day.

However!! At some point in the next few weeks/months(?), i have to get blood work done! Oh goody. If you know that much about me, you know i despise bloodwork to it's very deep core. Just the though of someone sticking a very painful needle in the crook of my elbow and extracting blood from it conjures up painful memories in my mind. Well, i didn't have to do it yesterday, so i was thoroughly relieved. Maybe some day i'll just be like, "Hey, let's go remove some blood from my arm, and have it hurt duing the process. And also, let's get me a peice of medical bandage/tape and a wad of cotton on my arm that i'm not supposed to remove but is really annoying!"

Okay, sone with that hoosteroo. (I'm just getting the southern out of me. Actually, i think it's already out, or it never went in, thank god. I was just saying it to be ironic, and if you know where the word comes from, i applaud you."

Alright, so i just got my medical ID neclace in the mail. It's not my offical ID tag, but it's just something that will do for now. It has an extremely long chain on it that makes me look like a fool. "I HAVE DIABETES, PLEASE TEST MY BLOOD BEFORE TREATING ME" is displayed on the front of the smallest pendant ever. I mean, in comparison to the chain, it's ridiculous. I should totally take a picture or something, but now i'm not going to, because i said i should.

Anyway, on the subject of small things, i go back to school officially on Wednesday. I go for orientation on Tuesday, because i don't know where crap is at Hilhi yet. And no, i won't be glombed in with the freshmen, i'll be in a seperate group of nerwbies, thank god again. I'd look like a giraffe at a hamster festival. A VW bus amongst a crowd of go-karts. A luxury yacht next to a rowboat. Three examples is enough, let's move it along.

Along to nothing else, because nothing else is happening. Alrght, i'll probably do a sidey before Tuesday or something. Now read this.

1) "This is a DVD my mom recorded from shows." [places VHS on desk]
"Murray, this isn't a DVD."
"Yeah it is. Dubbed Video...Dub."

- Flight of the Conchords

3) currently considering: what shirt i'm gonna get.

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