Wednesday, October 31, 2007


A nice Halloween treat for you.

A scary looking video. Here.

An Extra-Special Poorly Executed Plan

So, i had not an idea, so i decided to do different voices for all my classes. Yeah, that died about the first five minutes of 3rd period.

Anyway, after school, the cast list was posted.

I'm AN EXTRA. Ohhhh yeah. A Crap Shooter, too.

Greatest moment of my life. Hahahaaaa.

1) Eat shit and die."
"Eat shit and live!"

- The Doom Generation

2) currently listening to: Speak For Yourself by Imogen Heap (so far, it is awesome)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Rather Hollow 'Ween

I don't have any idea what i'm doing tomorrow.


So anyway, today was great. We're singing really cool songs in choir now. It's almost crazy.

Is that all? I think so. Well, i guess you should go about your...lives...

Ok, bye.

1) "You were going to donate my organs?"
"Not your eyes! I couldn't be able to look at anyone without wondering."

- Samantha Who?

2) currently listening to: silence, because apparently Winamp wants to be a beeotch.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Band of Horses - Is There a Ghost

For a song that repeats the same words for three minutes. This one is great. And so is its video.

That...Was a Practice Roll

Auditions = nightmare. Complete nightmare at that.

It happened so fast, and i was scared beyond all recognition.

The songs started, and i had no clue where to come in, first of all. I came in an inkling of a second late. I didn't sing on-key some of the time. My voice cracked twice.

Anything that could've gone wrong, did. It was just awful. And knowing me and my luck, that is most likely the only bad audition they'll have today. I just feel like curling up in a ball and folding in on myself. fools git no special things. Me no feel like it.

Now i must sing something i know...and that is easy. Or just keep listening to Band of Horses.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Better Not Get Needles Stuck in My Eyes...

Auditions are tomorrow. Or, at least they start tomorrow. And you know what?

I'm not at all ready.

I've only heard the song once in my life, and it was on Tuesday. I believe. I think i'll get a ton of practice in tomorrow with other people. Let's hope i'm ready. I'm second to audition on the first day. I'm so screwed, it's not even funny. I've been trying to find any sort of torrent of the soundtrack, but i've got nada. I can't even find a measly midi file of the song. Sometimes, the internet can be so worthless.

I don't really know why, but yesterday did not feel like a Saturday. Probably because i didn't go to school on Friday. But tomorrow. I don't know why i feel this either, but i kind of want to go to school tomorrow. I really haven't felt that way in a long time.

Bah...what's wrong with me?

1) "It was like...a ticker tape parade...ladies and gentlemen."

- Colin Meloy during the bridge of Perfect Crime 2 on Austin City Limits

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Shins Continue to Amaze

this song from Tim and great.

Which Comedy of the Night Did it Right? 10/25/07 Edition

New feature alert.

I'll go throught the high and low points of the NBC comedies of that week, and name the winner.

Last night's was Scrubs by the way. IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW ALREADY.

Anyway, new one next week.

You Got Alot of (Optic) Nerve

If my typing contains multiple errors, please excuse them. I had an eye doctor appointment, and my eyes are still a bit dilated. we go. This might be fun.

So, the season premiere of the last seasn of Scrubs was on last night. I don't know what changed, but that was great. It literally had laughs a minute. Already better than last year. Totally.

And the first half hour episode of The Ofice this year. Finally, a solid episode containing nothing that seems like the writers almost had no clue where they were going with the story. It was pretty nice, in fact.

So, today's Friday. That makes it three Fridays in a row where school was not involved. I'm a very lucky individual. Indeed i am.

The play opes tonight. I don't know if we're going, but i hope we will. Maybe next week. Maybe the night of my birthday. I hope so. Yay.

I had an idea of seeing Dan in Real Life for my birthday too. Because i believe Steve Carrell is amazing. If you don't believe so...die in a box.

Now i think i need a job more than i needed one yesterday. 94/7 has announced their December to Remember shows, and The Shins are playing one of those nights. I must go, or i'm afraid i might die. SOMEONE GET ME A JOB NOW! PLEASE!

1) "Oh yeah, that place got staked out. Satked...stoke. Staken? Yeah, it got staked out."

- Psych

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Playtime For the Young and Rich

Is what i hope to have. Someday...when i get that sweet ass job.

No joke. I need a job more than i need almost anything right now. I want to work in retail. Someplace where i can kind of be myself. I don't want to work at crazy Burgerville like Liz does. I think se's woring (or at least wants to) at the new Famous Footwear that's about to open in the Esplenade. I think if i work anywhere there, it would either be Gamestop or Blockbuster. Hell, maybe Dollar Tree even.

I just want some darn money.

So, i have an eye appointment tomorrow morning, which means i'll probably miss the first half of school, or t least a good portion of it. That's somewhat unfortunate, but it also means get new glasses, which makes me bounce.

Seriously, if you don't wear glasses, you don't know the joy that comes with getting new frames 'n' lenses. It's outstanding. My lenses are really old. The protective coating on the front is coming off like...something that does that quickly. And the frames are really meh to me. I liked them when i got them, but they kind of grated on me for some reason. And they're really loose, so they fall off pretty much at the drop of a hat. So, to make a long story short: new glasses = good times. Even better: new glasses = new beginnings...for good times.

1) "Any of you need a cane?"

- Only the people there will get this. Hahaha.

2) listening to (not right this second, but till):
...Is a Real Boy by Say Anything
In Defense of the Genre by Say Anything
Viv La Cobra! by Cobra Starship

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


So, we're almost finished watching Guys and Dolls in choir. We'll be done tomorrow. And then we start on new music. So...yay...?

I'm sorry i haven't really had anything to talk about the last few days. My life's been boring. And it probably will be for a few more days. Forgive the crappy and short posts, plz.


1)"I'm looking through the newspaper. I'm trying to think of some topical sketches. Do you think next week we could dol, "Business Section?""

- 30 Rock

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Middle Trimester

My grades:

B, B, B, C, B.

Yayity. Twice.

I guess that's really the only high point in my day.

1) "GIRLS!"

- Ben playing the xylophone

2) currently listening to: Even if it Kills Me by Motion City Soundtrack

That's What I Want

Well, if you didn't go and checky my wish list, i'm going to force you to read this. But you can still navigate away from this page. Crap...


Omnibus by Tarkio*


The Replacements' Let it Be (33 1/3) - Colin Meloy


30 Rock: Season 1
Scrubs: Season 4, 5, 6
Flight of the Conchords: Season 1*
NewsRadio: Season 4
The Office: Season 3***
Upright Citizens Brigade: Season 2***
Comedians of Comedy/Live at the El Rey
Serenity: Collector's Edition**
Ben Folds: Live at Myspace

* = priority

Sunday, October 21, 2007

One Week From Thursady...

I'm legal to drive! What what whaaaat? Not really. But i do turn 16.

Here's my amazon wishlist if anyone wants to give it a ring.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

We Came, We Saw, We Sold Kettle Corn

The homecoming game was last night. It was cold, sure, and rainy, but it was pretty fun. For me anyway.

We got there, waited for someone for a while, and then we watched the game for a bit. At almost halftime, i saw Ben selling kettle corn. I wanted to help. I asked him if i could, he said i could. And...i did. And it was amazing.

Of course, there was the ususal, "Buy some kettle corn, it's only three dollars. And it goes to a great cause." And then there's the "1 in every 5 bags of this kettle corn will give you magical powers." And "Abe Lincoln rose from the dead to try our kettle corn." As i said, it was amazing. We also did a speical Kettle Corn Remix of F This S. Also, Hilhi won 56-0 against Park Rose. If doesn't spell C-O-O-L, i have no idea what does, my friends.

1) "What do you want? No, you can not has cheeseburger!"

- Frisky Dingo

Friday, October 19, 2007

Shifting Destiny and Other Endeavors

Last night was the choir concert. Yeah, i was nervous, and no one at my house knew how to tie a tie to save their lives, but i was fine with it. I was looking every so spiffy with my newly acquired Goodwill clothes from the weekend before, and i was ready to do some business.

We got there a few minutes before call time. We went to the choir room, signed in, and waited for others to arrive. When they finally did, we warmed up, ran through our songs, and sat down in the theatre and waited for the show to begin. People came up, said things, and we started off.

Our first set was the African folk songs set. A couple songs after, the Hilhi Singers (including me) went up and did ours. Twas nice. Song there, song here, then our first mass choir song. I think it was our best by far.

Next was "Songs of the Heart". Which included my least favorite song, "You'll Be in My Heart." Yes, from Tarzan. Why was it my least fave? It was hard on my voice, and it almost hurt.

Well, we did that ruthless number, and Encore did "Peanut Butter and Jelly." Which was an awesome song. If you get the chance to hear it, please do. Awesome.

Finally, our opera choruses. Which included "the hammer song", in which members of Encore would hit things with hammers. Apparently, two of the guys who were supposed to hit something couldn't find what they were supposed to hit. Here's how the conversation went down, according to one of the party in question.

"We can't find the thing! Ben, what do we do?"
"Hit me in the head."

And so he did.

We closed with Va Pensiero, which was another mass piece. Twas also nice. After that, we were free to go, and we went. Got home, watched The Office, which was pretty nice, and pretty pretty, too.

After that i torrented Under the Blackight by Rilo Kiley. I've heard all of it, and it is pretty good. And i've just realized that Silver Lining is an amazing song.

So, the homecoming game is tonight. I'm very happy for that. The only downside? I might be too tired to watch Austin City Limits tonight. With THE DECEMBERISTS and Explosions in the Sky. I might be too tired, and this makes me sad.

Well, whatever, i'm recording it and keeping it forever anyway, so...

1) "I...declare...BANKRUPTCYYY!"

- The Office

2) cl2:" Under the Blacklight by Rilo Kiley
Rockin' the Suburbs by Ben Folds
Fingers Crossed by Architecture in Helsinki
In Case We Die by Architecture in Helsinki

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sometimes Fire Alrams Go Off...

Conan O'Brien is amazing. Aaaand here's why.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SNL - Weekend Update: Maya as Rosa Santiago

oh yes

next yoke

Sans Robe

The choir concert is tomorrow. Because i'm in measly Hilhi Singers, i don't get a precious robe.

I had to get clothes from Goodwill last weekend. I succeeded. It was quite nice.

So, i've been getting back into torrenting. So far, last weekend, i got the soundtrack to Across the Universe. And just last night, the first two Architecture in Helsinki abums. I've started listening to In Case We Die first. It's good times, from what i've heard. The third came out yesterday. Must get it.

Homecoming game Friday!

No school Friday!

I'll give you a report on the concert on Friday! Maybe.

1) "Why are your folders so crappy?"
"Because we're stupid."
"Uh...I concur."

- Sam and I after choir today. He was the first one who spoke.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oh, Wow...Videos

...Message Boards

SMB Frustration Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3

Michael Cera and Jonah Hill Tell Off Matthew

My Favorite Office Season 3 Moment

Seeing Things/I Lied

The new Fall TV season has started, and i'm giving rating of what i've seen so far.

A computer nerd accidentally discovers all of the government's secrets. Very entertaining and funny. B+

A young man finds his parents sold his soul to the devil when he was a baby. Now he has to work for him by sending escaped sould back to Hell. A-

Kid Nation:
Kids rule a small town. Some people are brats, and the host is an ubercreep. But still enjoyable. B-

Pushing Daisies:
A man has the ability to touch a dead thing and bring it back to life. The best so far. After only one episode. A

Blah blah, i think that's it.

PS> I lied. I have things to talk about.

Me and my friend have written a song. We've sung it in one of classes and at lunch a few times. And i've herard people singing it throughout school. Our intention is to record it in audio and maybe video form, and put it on Myspace/Youtube. It will sell billions o'dollas.

1) "And he was like, "Thanks for thinking about me." And i was like, "You're welcooooome!"

- Liz (wow)

Baby Seals

Clubs weren't today. Boo.

We have no school tomorrow. Yay.

I think i'm seeing Across the Universe tomorrow. Yayay.

Sleeping in. Yayay.

The Ofice is on tonight. Yayayayayay.

So is 30 Rock. Yayayay.

That's all i have to say. Boo(?)

Monday, October 8, 2007

We're Just a Bunch of Crazy...

Guys and Dolls.

Which is the musical we're doing next trimester. And the musical i'm going to audition for at the end of the month. I need to watch the movie or something, so i have some idea at least how to sing the music i've recieved. It will probably be awesome, if me and all the people i know get in. 'Twill be a treat indeed.

1) "What is this? What's happened to the house? I don't like change!"

- Family Guy

2) currently listening to: Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia by The Dandy Warhols

Saturday, October 6, 2007

In The Wake of Saturday

Wow, two titles in a row related to Fall Out Boy songs? This doesn't look that good.

Well, i woke up today, and i just wanted to stay in bed all day, and not talk. To anybody. Reminiscent of Eric from That 70's Show when he broke up with Donna. Remember that? Anyway, i was just feeling like that. I didn't break up with anybody though, so that's good i guess.

Well i got up again after eating breakfast. I woke up to find my mom and sister looking at online offers on phones.

So, i'm getting a new phone officially. It's only a matter of time. So...yay.

I'm getting the SCP-3200 by Sanyo in black. It looks decent. Does anyone know if it sucks or not? Cuz that would be a good help, if i were told.

Anyway again, i guess nothing's going on this weekend. I'm feeling okay now, that might change, but nobody knows.


1) "Do you believe in reincarnation?"
"Hell no. Our planet is the children's problem. If we reincarnate, it's our problem."

- Pushing Daisies

2) currently listening to: Dog Problems (album) by The Format

Friday, October 5, 2007

Which Came First? The Music or the Misery?

Alot, and i when i say alot, i really do mean alot, has gone on in the past few days. But i don't want to talk about it. That's why i haven't been posting in a few days.

I just don't want to talk about it. Don't ask me about it, i won't respnd.

Sometimes i get sick of myself, when i'm hiding behind this veneer of happiness, when i'm feeling awful inside. I make people think i'm fine, but i'm really not. I guess that's why i'm probably going to remain the kind of person who'll only have girls as friends and not more, because only a few people know i'm capable of real emotion.

I don't know whay i'm feeling this way. Or maybe i do, and i'm just not saying it. I can't really explain what i'm feeling. Sad is definitely on the list. I'm not feeling hrt, or angry or anything. I guess it's just an empty feeling. There's something missing in my life. And it seems like i'm going to wait for a long time before whatever's missing gets found.

Alright, i think i'm done being emo. With me, it's that whenever i write what i'm feeling, it goes away. I hope it works this time.