Saturday, October 20, 2007

We Came, We Saw, We Sold Kettle Corn

The homecoming game was last night. It was cold, sure, and rainy, but it was pretty fun. For me anyway.

We got there, waited for someone for a while, and then we watched the game for a bit. At almost halftime, i saw Ben selling kettle corn. I wanted to help. I asked him if i could, he said i could. And...i did. And it was amazing.

Of course, there was the ususal, "Buy some kettle corn, it's only three dollars. And it goes to a great cause." And then there's the "1 in every 5 bags of this kettle corn will give you magical powers." And "Abe Lincoln rose from the dead to try our kettle corn." As i said, it was amazing. We also did a speical Kettle Corn Remix of F This S. Also, Hilhi won 56-0 against Park Rose. If doesn't spell C-O-O-L, i have no idea what does, my friends.

1) "What do you want? No, you can not has cheeseburger!"

- Frisky Dingo

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