Saturday, October 6, 2007

In The Wake of Saturday

Wow, two titles in a row related to Fall Out Boy songs? This doesn't look that good.

Well, i woke up today, and i just wanted to stay in bed all day, and not talk. To anybody. Reminiscent of Eric from That 70's Show when he broke up with Donna. Remember that? Anyway, i was just feeling like that. I didn't break up with anybody though, so that's good i guess.

Well i got up again after eating breakfast. I woke up to find my mom and sister looking at online offers on phones.

So, i'm getting a new phone officially. It's only a matter of time. So...yay.

I'm getting the SCP-3200 by Sanyo in black. It looks decent. Does anyone know if it sucks or not? Cuz that would be a good help, if i were told.

Anyway again, i guess nothing's going on this weekend. I'm feeling okay now, that might change, but nobody knows.


1) "Do you believe in reincarnation?"
"Hell no. Our planet is the children's problem. If we reincarnate, it's our problem."

- Pushing Daisies

2) currently listening to: Dog Problems (album) by The Format

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