Friday, October 5, 2007

Which Came First? The Music or the Misery?

Alot, and i when i say alot, i really do mean alot, has gone on in the past few days. But i don't want to talk about it. That's why i haven't been posting in a few days.

I just don't want to talk about it. Don't ask me about it, i won't respnd.

Sometimes i get sick of myself, when i'm hiding behind this veneer of happiness, when i'm feeling awful inside. I make people think i'm fine, but i'm really not. I guess that's why i'm probably going to remain the kind of person who'll only have girls as friends and not more, because only a few people know i'm capable of real emotion.

I don't know whay i'm feeling this way. Or maybe i do, and i'm just not saying it. I can't really explain what i'm feeling. Sad is definitely on the list. I'm not feeling hrt, or angry or anything. I guess it's just an empty feeling. There's something missing in my life. And it seems like i'm going to wait for a long time before whatever's missing gets found.

Alright, i think i'm done being emo. With me, it's that whenever i write what i'm feeling, it goes away. I hope it works this time.

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