Thursday, October 25, 2007

Playtime For the Young and Rich

Is what i hope to have. Someday...when i get that sweet ass job.

No joke. I need a job more than i need almost anything right now. I want to work in retail. Someplace where i can kind of be myself. I don't want to work at crazy Burgerville like Liz does. I think se's woring (or at least wants to) at the new Famous Footwear that's about to open in the Esplenade. I think if i work anywhere there, it would either be Gamestop or Blockbuster. Hell, maybe Dollar Tree even.

I just want some darn money.

So, i have an eye appointment tomorrow morning, which means i'll probably miss the first half of school, or t least a good portion of it. That's somewhat unfortunate, but it also means get new glasses, which makes me bounce.

Seriously, if you don't wear glasses, you don't know the joy that comes with getting new frames 'n' lenses. It's outstanding. My lenses are really old. The protective coating on the front is coming off like...something that does that quickly. And the frames are really meh to me. I liked them when i got them, but they kind of grated on me for some reason. And they're really loose, so they fall off pretty much at the drop of a hat. So, to make a long story short: new glasses = good times. Even better: new glasses = new beginnings...for good times.

1) "Any of you need a cane?"

- Only the people there will get this. Hahaha.

2) listening to (not right this second, but till):
...Is a Real Boy by Say Anything
In Defense of the Genre by Say Anything
Viv La Cobra! by Cobra Starship

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