Friday, October 26, 2007

You Got Alot of (Optic) Nerve

If my typing contains multiple errors, please excuse them. I had an eye doctor appointment, and my eyes are still a bit dilated. we go. This might be fun.

So, the season premiere of the last seasn of Scrubs was on last night. I don't know what changed, but that was great. It literally had laughs a minute. Already better than last year. Totally.

And the first half hour episode of The Ofice this year. Finally, a solid episode containing nothing that seems like the writers almost had no clue where they were going with the story. It was pretty nice, in fact.

So, today's Friday. That makes it three Fridays in a row where school was not involved. I'm a very lucky individual. Indeed i am.

The play opes tonight. I don't know if we're going, but i hope we will. Maybe next week. Maybe the night of my birthday. I hope so. Yay.

I had an idea of seeing Dan in Real Life for my birthday too. Because i believe Steve Carrell is amazing. If you don't believe so...die in a box.

Now i think i need a job more than i needed one yesterday. 94/7 has announced their December to Remember shows, and The Shins are playing one of those nights. I must go, or i'm afraid i might die. SOMEONE GET ME A JOB NOW! PLEASE!

1) "Oh yeah, that place got staked out. Satked...stoke. Staken? Yeah, it got staked out."

- Psych

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