Friday, October 19, 2007

Shifting Destiny and Other Endeavors

Last night was the choir concert. Yeah, i was nervous, and no one at my house knew how to tie a tie to save their lives, but i was fine with it. I was looking every so spiffy with my newly acquired Goodwill clothes from the weekend before, and i was ready to do some business.

We got there a few minutes before call time. We went to the choir room, signed in, and waited for others to arrive. When they finally did, we warmed up, ran through our songs, and sat down in the theatre and waited for the show to begin. People came up, said things, and we started off.

Our first set was the African folk songs set. A couple songs after, the Hilhi Singers (including me) went up and did ours. Twas nice. Song there, song here, then our first mass choir song. I think it was our best by far.

Next was "Songs of the Heart". Which included my least favorite song, "You'll Be in My Heart." Yes, from Tarzan. Why was it my least fave? It was hard on my voice, and it almost hurt.

Well, we did that ruthless number, and Encore did "Peanut Butter and Jelly." Which was an awesome song. If you get the chance to hear it, please do. Awesome.

Finally, our opera choruses. Which included "the hammer song", in which members of Encore would hit things with hammers. Apparently, two of the guys who were supposed to hit something couldn't find what they were supposed to hit. Here's how the conversation went down, according to one of the party in question.

"We can't find the thing! Ben, what do we do?"
"Hit me in the head."

And so he did.

We closed with Va Pensiero, which was another mass piece. Twas also nice. After that, we were free to go, and we went. Got home, watched The Office, which was pretty nice, and pretty pretty, too.

After that i torrented Under the Blackight by Rilo Kiley. I've heard all of it, and it is pretty good. And i've just realized that Silver Lining is an amazing song.

So, the homecoming game is tonight. I'm very happy for that. The only downside? I might be too tired to watch Austin City Limits tonight. With THE DECEMBERISTS and Explosions in the Sky. I might be too tired, and this makes me sad.

Well, whatever, i'm recording it and keeping it forever anyway, so...

1) "I...declare...BANKRUPTCYYY!"

- The Office

2) cl2:" Under the Blacklight by Rilo Kiley
Rockin' the Suburbs by Ben Folds
Fingers Crossed by Architecture in Helsinki
In Case We Die by Architecture in Helsinki

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