Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sans Robe

The choir concert is tomorrow. Because i'm in measly Hilhi Singers, i don't get a precious robe.

I had to get clothes from Goodwill last weekend. I succeeded. It was quite nice.

So, i've been getting back into torrenting. So far, last weekend, i got the soundtrack to Across the Universe. And just last night, the first two Architecture in Helsinki abums. I've started listening to In Case We Die first. It's good times, from what i've heard. The third came out yesterday. Must get it.

Homecoming game Friday!

No school Friday!

I'll give you a report on the concert on Friday! Maybe.

1) "Why are your folders so crappy?"
"Because we're stupid."
"Uh...I concur."

- Sam and I after choir today. He was the first one who spoke.

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