Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Better Not Get Needles Stuck in My Eyes...

Auditions are tomorrow. Or, at least they start tomorrow. And you know what?

I'm not at all ready.

I've only heard the song once in my life, and it was on Tuesday. I believe. I think i'll get a ton of practice in tomorrow with other people. Let's hope i'm ready. I'm second to audition on the first day. I'm so screwed, it's not even funny. I've been trying to find any sort of torrent of the soundtrack, but i've got nada. I can't even find a measly midi file of the song. Sometimes, the internet can be so worthless.

I don't really know why, but yesterday did not feel like a Saturday. Probably because i didn't go to school on Friday. But tomorrow. I don't know why i feel this either, but i kind of want to go to school tomorrow. I really haven't felt that way in a long time.

Bah...what's wrong with me?

1) "It was like...a ticker tape parade...ladies and gentlemen."

- Colin Meloy during the bridge of Perfect Crime 2 on Austin City Limits

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