Thursday, October 11, 2007

Seeing Things/I Lied

The new Fall TV season has started, and i'm giving rating of what i've seen so far.

A computer nerd accidentally discovers all of the government's secrets. Very entertaining and funny. B+

A young man finds his parents sold his soul to the devil when he was a baby. Now he has to work for him by sending escaped sould back to Hell. A-

Kid Nation:
Kids rule a small town. Some people are brats, and the host is an ubercreep. But still enjoyable. B-

Pushing Daisies:
A man has the ability to touch a dead thing and bring it back to life. The best so far. After only one episode. A

Blah blah, i think that's it.

PS> I lied. I have things to talk about.

Me and my friend have written a song. We've sung it in one of classes and at lunch a few times. And i've herard people singing it throughout school. Our intention is to record it in audio and maybe video form, and put it on Myspace/Youtube. It will sell billions o'dollas.

1) "And he was like, "Thanks for thinking about me." And i was like, "You're welcooooome!"

- Liz (wow)

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