Friday, November 30, 2007

Tim Wears His Dad's Dirty Socks

...He does.

Oh! 2 Things to Do!

As you may or may not know, tomorrow is the start of December. Thus, the start of me celebrating the Christmas holiday. Tomorrow, December 1, i plan to listen to all 42 tracks, or all 2 hours and 8 minutes of Sufjan Stevens Christmas box set. I also plan to listen to a different Decemberists song each day. Or two, i have enough. 66 to be exact. It will be an event for us all, my friends.

So, finals ended today. The only one i'm almost sure i didn't do good on is my Biology final. It was lengthy and difficult. I found out i got 130% on my english final. I feel so special. I'm sure i did well on my others.

Anyway, this means that on Tuesday, i start a new rimester. Here are my classes.

1. PE
2. Drama 2
3. Choir
4. Algebra
5. Open (There weren't any classes i wanted. I don't know what i'm doing then.

Well, i hope next tromester will be as awesome as this one. See you later.

1) "Please accept this gift box..from the Body Sop."

- Stella blooper reel

Now playing: Barenaked Ladies - Shopping
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's Okay. Clearly!, one of my friends had the idea to see a movie with Liz, Cody and I. We we were trying to pick one to see for a long while. We finally settled on the new Staphen King movie, The Mist. Oh my god. Worst mistake ever. I didn't really want to see it, but it was free, so...i went.

I do have to say though, it was the funniest movie this year. Honestly, they could have saved it for TV. It was such a B-movie, it was incredible. The only good acting was done by Marcia Gay Harden. The only things that happened were: People got killed, a little boy cries, and the religious lady preaches.

It was a really fun movie to laugh out loud at though. Seriously, we did. And it wasn't just our party that was. It was just about everyone in the auditorium.

Anyway, finals started today. 1st period wasn't too hard or too easy. The choir final was really easy. And the Algebra one was easy too. I expect English and Biology to be the same. But English should be really really easy, and i might get it done in 2 minutes. I expect Biology will be a tiny bit hard. But, meh.

Alright, i have a concert report to write for choir. I must leave you now. Byesies.

1) "Oh yeah, smear the blood all over the windshield with the wipers. Then you'll be able to see!"

- Something i said to Sam during the movie.

2) listening to: Even if it Kills Me by Motion City Soundtrack

Monday, November 26, 2007

And, What is a Monkey Saw Used For?

We got the outling for our final test in Tech Theatre today. Wow. All i can say is i will probably know about maybe 1 thing out of 320394 we have to learn. Errrghhh. But, speaking of theatre, we blocked Oldest Established today after school. I'm probably not going to remember all of it tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, that's when i have to give my book report. I read a pretty interesting book. Give a Boy a Gun by Todd Strasser. I'm not going to force you to read it though. You don't have to. I'm ready for that report. It's just the teacher calling you to his desk and asking you question about the story. It sounds like not a big deal at all. I'm goonna be alright.

Speaking of alright...i can't think of anything to say. Good-bye then.

1) "It just kills anyone in proximity."
"Bitch! I was in proximity!"

- Pushing Daisies

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Two Days After the Day After Yesterday

Oh my god, my final tests in my classes start. It will be awful, i expect. Out of my 5 classes, i'm ready for 2 of them.

Just one of those little updaties. Tah.

1) "Don't tase me, Blair!"

- The Post Show

2( listening to: Songs for Christmas by Sufjan Stevens

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hey...It's T-Day

Wednesday: Last day of school before break. 1st period: Did homework, then...nothing. 2nd: Took quiz, then did Grammar book lesson.

3rd period: Our choir director gave us an assignment. Make a Thanksgiving presentation with some musicaliy in it. The group i was in, The Fighting Mongooses, put on a nice show about family and togetherness. And...we won. I've been told it was mostly because of my rendition of "Another One Bites the Dust". I, being the modest one, denied this. And continue to.

So, giving thanks. I didn't do it this year, but whatever. We just started eating. It wasn't traditional at all.


So, as soon as i wake up, i have to ride along with dad to go to the store. For heavy cream, coffee creamer, and toilet paper. Then we were on our way home, and dad got a call from his sister king where the house was. And found out that my grandparents were there already. We got home, and they took out parking spot. Fun! Anyway, we gabbed, and gobbed, and more people arrived, and then we started eating. And socializing. We played some Taboo, and Scattergories. Great fun, those were.

I ate...and then i didn't feel like eating. It was rather odd, if i do say so. because that NEVER HAPPENS ON THANKSGIVING! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHAAAAAT?

Anyway, then came the winding down portion of the day, where everybody left. And now, i'm all alone in this room. But now it's just the immediate family in the house, and i'm glad/disappointed it was over quickly.

1) "I met a man on the bus...i shook his hand...That man will never see his family again."

- Skittles commercial

2) Uh...nothing...sad.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanks, Andy. Tanks

Oh...did i say concert report on Monday [laugh]? I...meant Wednesday!

So anyway, nicest band ever, blah blah blah. So, we got Liz from work and and went on over to the Crystal Ballroom. We heard the band was going to start playing at about 9:30 or so, and we were right. They walked out to the Rocky theme in boxing robes, down the aisle seperating the crowd. They opened with Selfish Jean, which was rocktastic. They had a pianist come for the tour, who's name was Claus. During the piano solo for Good Feeling, Fran made us yell at the top of our lungs, along to the music, "CLAUS1 CLAUS! CLAUS!" Like "a viking that was just robbed of his fish, and pissed."

As some of you might know, the Crystal Ballroom is known for having a "bouncy floor". A wood that sort of bounces when you jump on it hard enough. So, during the last chorus or Why Does it Always Rain on Me?, they made us jump. It was really really fun, and my legs hurt alot afterward. Also, they played All I Wanna Do is Rock, which made guitar-man jump off the stage, and walk throught the crowd. Right by my sister, who touched him. It was really great fun.

And, a few days after this happened, I get a MySpace message from them. Subject: Well? Body: How was the show? I responded, and then they responded back, and then i did too. This might be turning out to be a beautiful friendship.

1) "I think i'm the perfect one to conduct this. I know the crap out of women."

- The Office (Women's Appreciation)

2) currently listening to: Sandwiches and Cats by Michael Showalter

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Now, I Don't Expect a Miracle

Although, i did get something close to one. Here's the diddly-o.

So, my mother and i went to the Travis session. We got there a little after one, then waited for about an hour outside in the cold and wet. But we got coffee earlier, so it wasn't too bad. They finally let us in, we sat down in the second row on the very end. Right in front of the speaker. They dimmed the lights, roadies came in, and then Gustav welcomed us to the session and it went underway.

Before they played their first song, some man interrupted Fran and told him he was from Glasgow, in some sketchy area. He just stood up to say hello. The man might've been a teensy bit drunk, but whatever. They opened with Sing, which was great. Then, Fran tuned his 12-string for Closer. After, Fran brought something to our attention. Apparently, Mr. SayHello was talking on the phone during that song, and Fran sort of got pissed at him. That felt somewhat awkward, but Dougie relieved the tension with a joke.

They then played Side, which was also awesome. Then they played 20, a song i haven't heard before. Then, as what Fran called, "a tribute to the shit weather," they played Why Does it Always Rain on Me? That song is fantastic as well. That was their last song. Then they left for about 5 minutes, then came back up the stairs to sign and tke pictures. Mom and I got up to meet them, and some lady gave us pictures to sign. They signed those, we took a nice picture with us holding bottles of wine. Although, it came out fairly blurry on our camera. We chatted for a minute about their video with Demetri Martin in it, and Fran asked me if i was going to the show tonight. I said, "You know, if i had money, i totally would." To which he responded, "Don't we have some tickets for him?" And me and my mother each recieved a pair.

So, I'm goping to see Travis tonight. I am amazingly happy. They were the nicest guys ever, and i'm happy to have met them. For serious.

I'll give you a concert report tomorrow.

Friday, November 16, 2007

My Crane Wife...

So, i haven't really been in the best of moods the last few days. So, that's why i haven't updated in four days.

One of my choir buddies was doing origami yesterday, and i just happened to score me a paper crane. Let the Decemberists jokes commence. I plan to take a picture with it in my hand.

Well, i might just have the best Sunday ever. Why? My mother enetered to win tickets to a 94/7 session with Travis, and she won. Her prize was for one and a guest, so i'm going too. It's going to be amazing. If not, i'll die in a box.

1) "Hey hey, you you, i don't like your boyfriend. Cuz cuz cuz cuz, cuz he's bad at ping pong."

- The Office (The Deposition)

2) listening to: Sawdust by The Killers

Monday, November 12, 2007

I Got Alot to Say to You

Not really, but anyway...

We Hilhi Sparts have the day off today. Why? Because we respct our veterans. Suck on that, other schools.

I don't think i'm quite ready for Thanksgiving. I mean, we're going to have 16 people at ou house, as our last tally states.

So, last night on a random whim, i decided to go to Meredith Palmer/Kate Flannery from The Office's Myspace. Her song was by a band i've never heard of called Sweet Diss and the Comebacks. I heard the first few seconds, and though, hey this is cool. I went to their page, and the first blog post said that the song i had heard a few seconds of was in a documentary about The Office's fans. It's on Youtube for free, and it's called Fandomicity, if you want to know. That's where i heard the song, "Pam Pong" for the first time all the way through. It's really great. I've heard it about 124723 times since.

New favorite song ever.

1) "Today is not just going to be a day of fun at the beach."
"Oh sweet mother of God."
"You know what, Stanley? If you don't like it, you can go to the back of the bus. Or the front. You can drive the bus."

- The Office (Beach Games)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Three Days That Seem Like 309

Three day weekend is here. It's going to be so long and boring, i tell you. I have nothing to do.

Hopefully i will. I want to talk to somebody. Me so bored.

1) "Yesterday, i was cleaning out my sockets with a metal fork, and i got a nasty shock. And then i had an epipha...ry."

- The Office

2) Listening to: Parachutes by Coldplay
The Black and White Album by The Hives

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So, the Writer's Guild of America started their strike yesterday.

The Office, Scrubs, 30 Rock, Lost and Heroes are definitely having shorter seasons.

Scrubs only has a 12-episode last season.
Lost only has an 8-episode season
Heroes? 11.

Just give them more damn money and get this over with, please. I can't take it.

Anyway, yesterday and today were great.

Yesterday, after school, we made the spotaneous decision to see a movie. Matian Child, it was. We got there at the theater an hour early, so we watched Across the Universe for an hour. Martian Child starred John Cusack as a science fiction writer who adopts a child whp believes he's from Mars. It was cute, i suppose. It was trying to make you cry, and i would've if i felt like it.

Today, after school yet again, Sam took Liz and I to Wendy's. I would've eaten my fries faster if wasn't laughing so hard at the stuff people were saying. It was great. It was fan-freaking tastic.

But then, not all of yesterday was that cool. I went to school for a period and 10 minutes, and i went to a doctor's appointment. That took all the morning, but then we had to go to the dagnostics lab and take my blood, which i hate with a passion, as you should know. But they did it, and it didn't hurt as much as i remember. They also wanted a urine sample. I wasn't able to provide one for them, so...i kept the cup. Haha. Yeah, i did. Also, when i was in the lab, there was a little child screaming at the top of its lungs, because it did not want blood drawn from it. It would freak me out, if I hadn't done it before.

When that was done, we had a "lesson" to go to, to learn how to use an insulin pen. That didn't take long either. And after that, i had to go to the last 30 minutes of 5th period. So...yeah. All in all, not the worst day ever.

1) [gasps] "I'm scared!"
"...All of a sudden?"
"Uh-huh. Hold me."

- The Office (A Benihana Christmas deleted scene)

2) listening to: Takk by Sigur Ros

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Chromatic Nightmares


My mom just came in, not 2 minutes ago, and said my phone was somehow working. Again i say, Hummina-whaaa?

And now she's programming it...i believe.

Ope. i has to put monies in it.

Just telling you the general specifics. Waaahahaha, I used it. I feel so corporate.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I'm Going to Kill You For Real.

My birthday: Well, it was the best one in a while. No diagnosis of a disease i'll probably have forever, no puking my guts out over a porch of a portable classroom, no moving to some mystery state, none of it. I got home, we had Taco Nell for dinner at my request, and i opened prezzies. Season 3 of The Office own phone! Hummina-whaaaaa?

Anyway, that is the worst part of my birthday. The phone. You'd think it wouldn't be, but it is. Why, exactly? Well...

We tried to activate it this morning, told us to enter some numbers, and it became a blank white screen with a black bar across it. What the crap? So anyway, we called tech support, and we have to get it to an "authorized dealer" and get it repaired or replaced. Fun, i know. Gun, please get me one.

Friday: We saw the play. "Out of the Frying Pan," it was called. It was about 6 actors who all share an apartment, and it was very funny. A few of my friends were in it, so i had to go, if not to support the school's theatre department. We got home after, and i finished the first disc of The Office.

Today: Woke up, did some phone stuff, went out to pick out new glasses frames. I got me some neat ones. Too bad you won't see them! Waaaahahahahahaaaa. I'm kidding, maybe you will. If you live near me. Or go to school with me. I'm getting them in a week. Be ready for it...come on bring it. Now i'm just rambling. And blathering. Have i mentioned how much i like the word "blather?" It's a great one, it is. You know what kind of sounds like blather? Banjo. I love the banjo. It can make alot of songs great. Except when it's out of place. There's nothing worse than an out of place banjo. Just plucking away. It's like singing "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night at a funeral, you know? Anyway...

1) "I'm going to punch the tooth."

- The Office (The Convict deleted scenes) Why did those last 15 minutes? Did Ricky and Stephen know how long American TV runs for? If so, why on Earth did they write so much? Maybe they just though they were really great, and wanted to make the actors do a ton of extra work. Jerks.

2) Currently watching (later): The Office - Season Three - Disc Two.