Monday, November 12, 2007

I Got Alot to Say to You

Not really, but anyway...

We Hilhi Sparts have the day off today. Why? Because we respct our veterans. Suck on that, other schools.

I don't think i'm quite ready for Thanksgiving. I mean, we're going to have 16 people at ou house, as our last tally states.

So, last night on a random whim, i decided to go to Meredith Palmer/Kate Flannery from The Office's Myspace. Her song was by a band i've never heard of called Sweet Diss and the Comebacks. I heard the first few seconds, and though, hey this is cool. I went to their page, and the first blog post said that the song i had heard a few seconds of was in a documentary about The Office's fans. It's on Youtube for free, and it's called Fandomicity, if you want to know. That's where i heard the song, "Pam Pong" for the first time all the way through. It's really great. I've heard it about 124723 times since.

New favorite song ever.

1) "Today is not just going to be a day of fun at the beach."
"Oh sweet mother of God."
"You know what, Stanley? If you don't like it, you can go to the back of the bus. Or the front. You can drive the bus."

- The Office (Beach Games)

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