Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's Okay. Clearly!, one of my friends had the idea to see a movie with Liz, Cody and I. We we were trying to pick one to see for a long while. We finally settled on the new Staphen King movie, The Mist. Oh my god. Worst mistake ever. I didn't really want to see it, but it was free, so...i went.

I do have to say though, it was the funniest movie this year. Honestly, they could have saved it for TV. It was such a B-movie, it was incredible. The only good acting was done by Marcia Gay Harden. The only things that happened were: People got killed, a little boy cries, and the religious lady preaches.

It was a really fun movie to laugh out loud at though. Seriously, we did. And it wasn't just our party that was. It was just about everyone in the auditorium.

Anyway, finals started today. 1st period wasn't too hard or too easy. The choir final was really easy. And the Algebra one was easy too. I expect English and Biology to be the same. But English should be really really easy, and i might get it done in 2 minutes. I expect Biology will be a tiny bit hard. But, meh.

Alright, i have a concert report to write for choir. I must leave you now. Byesies.

1) "Oh yeah, smear the blood all over the windshield with the wipers. Then you'll be able to see!"

- Something i said to Sam during the movie.

2) listening to: Even if it Kills Me by Motion City Soundtrack

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