Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanks, Andy. Tanks

Oh...did i say concert report on Monday [laugh]? I...meant Wednesday!

So anyway, nicest band ever, blah blah blah. So, we got Liz from work and and went on over to the Crystal Ballroom. We heard the band was going to start playing at about 9:30 or so, and we were right. They walked out to the Rocky theme in boxing robes, down the aisle seperating the crowd. They opened with Selfish Jean, which was rocktastic. They had a pianist come for the tour, who's name was Claus. During the piano solo for Good Feeling, Fran made us yell at the top of our lungs, along to the music, "CLAUS1 CLAUS! CLAUS!" Like "a viking that was just robbed of his fish, and pissed."

As some of you might know, the Crystal Ballroom is known for having a "bouncy floor". A wood that sort of bounces when you jump on it hard enough. So, during the last chorus or Why Does it Always Rain on Me?, they made us jump. It was really really fun, and my legs hurt alot afterward. Also, they played All I Wanna Do is Rock, which made guitar-man jump off the stage, and walk throught the crowd. Right by my sister, who touched him. It was really great fun.

And, a few days after this happened, I get a MySpace message from them. Subject: Well? Body: How was the show? I responded, and then they responded back, and then i did too. This might be turning out to be a beautiful friendship.

1) "I think i'm the perfect one to conduct this. I know the crap out of women."

- The Office (Women's Appreciation)

2) currently listening to: Sandwiches and Cats by Michael Showalter

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