Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hey...It's T-Day

Wednesday: Last day of school before break. 1st period: Did homework, then...nothing. 2nd: Took quiz, then did Grammar book lesson.

3rd period: Our choir director gave us an assignment. Make a Thanksgiving presentation with some musicaliy in it. The group i was in, The Fighting Mongooses, put on a nice show about family and togetherness. And...we won. I've been told it was mostly because of my rendition of "Another One Bites the Dust". I, being the modest one, denied this. And continue to.

So, giving thanks. I didn't do it this year, but whatever. We just started eating. It wasn't traditional at all.


So, as soon as i wake up, i have to ride along with dad to go to the store. For heavy cream, coffee creamer, and toilet paper. Then we were on our way home, and dad got a call from his sister king where the house was. And found out that my grandparents were there already. We got home, and they took out parking spot. Fun! Anyway, we gabbed, and gobbed, and more people arrived, and then we started eating. And socializing. We played some Taboo, and Scattergories. Great fun, those were.

I ate...and then i didn't feel like eating. It was rather odd, if i do say so. because that NEVER HAPPENS ON THANKSGIVING! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHAAAAAT?

Anyway, then came the winding down portion of the day, where everybody left. And now, i'm all alone in this room. But now it's just the immediate family in the house, and i'm glad/disappointed it was over quickly.

1) "I met a man on the bus...i shook his hand...That man will never see his family again."

- Skittles commercial

2) Uh...nothing...sad.

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