Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So, the Writer's Guild of America started their strike yesterday.

The Office, Scrubs, 30 Rock, Lost and Heroes are definitely having shorter seasons.

Scrubs only has a 12-episode last season.
Lost only has an 8-episode season
Heroes? 11.

Just give them more damn money and get this over with, please. I can't take it.

Anyway, yesterday and today were great.

Yesterday, after school, we made the spotaneous decision to see a movie. Matian Child, it was. We got there at the theater an hour early, so we watched Across the Universe for an hour. Martian Child starred John Cusack as a science fiction writer who adopts a child whp believes he's from Mars. It was cute, i suppose. It was trying to make you cry, and i would've if i felt like it.

Today, after school yet again, Sam took Liz and I to Wendy's. I would've eaten my fries faster if wasn't laughing so hard at the stuff people were saying. It was great. It was fan-freaking tastic.

But then, not all of yesterday was that cool. I went to school for a period and 10 minutes, and i went to a doctor's appointment. That took all the morning, but then we had to go to the dagnostics lab and take my blood, which i hate with a passion, as you should know. But they did it, and it didn't hurt as much as i remember. They also wanted a urine sample. I wasn't able to provide one for them, so...i kept the cup. Haha. Yeah, i did. Also, when i was in the lab, there was a little child screaming at the top of its lungs, because it did not want blood drawn from it. It would freak me out, if I hadn't done it before.

When that was done, we had a "lesson" to go to, to learn how to use an insulin pen. That didn't take long either. And after that, i had to go to the last 30 minutes of 5th period. So...yeah. All in all, not the worst day ever.

1) [gasps] "I'm scared!"
"...All of a sudden?"
"Uh-huh. Hold me."

- The Office (A Benihana Christmas deleted scene)

2) listening to: Takk by Sigur Ros

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