Sunday, November 18, 2007

Now, I Don't Expect a Miracle

Although, i did get something close to one. Here's the diddly-o.

So, my mother and i went to the Travis session. We got there a little after one, then waited for about an hour outside in the cold and wet. But we got coffee earlier, so it wasn't too bad. They finally let us in, we sat down in the second row on the very end. Right in front of the speaker. They dimmed the lights, roadies came in, and then Gustav welcomed us to the session and it went underway.

Before they played their first song, some man interrupted Fran and told him he was from Glasgow, in some sketchy area. He just stood up to say hello. The man might've been a teensy bit drunk, but whatever. They opened with Sing, which was great. Then, Fran tuned his 12-string for Closer. After, Fran brought something to our attention. Apparently, Mr. SayHello was talking on the phone during that song, and Fran sort of got pissed at him. That felt somewhat awkward, but Dougie relieved the tension with a joke.

They then played Side, which was also awesome. Then they played 20, a song i haven't heard before. Then, as what Fran called, "a tribute to the shit weather," they played Why Does it Always Rain on Me? That song is fantastic as well. That was their last song. Then they left for about 5 minutes, then came back up the stairs to sign and tke pictures. Mom and I got up to meet them, and some lady gave us pictures to sign. They signed those, we took a nice picture with us holding bottles of wine. Although, it came out fairly blurry on our camera. We chatted for a minute about their video with Demetri Martin in it, and Fran asked me if i was going to the show tonight. I said, "You know, if i had money, i totally would." To which he responded, "Don't we have some tickets for him?" And me and my mother each recieved a pair.

So, I'm goping to see Travis tonight. I am amazingly happy. They were the nicest guys ever, and i'm happy to have met them. For serious.

I'll give you a concert report tomorrow.

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