Saturday, November 3, 2007

I'm Going to Kill You For Real.

My birthday: Well, it was the best one in a while. No diagnosis of a disease i'll probably have forever, no puking my guts out over a porch of a portable classroom, no moving to some mystery state, none of it. I got home, we had Taco Nell for dinner at my request, and i opened prezzies. Season 3 of The Office own phone! Hummina-whaaaaa?

Anyway, that is the worst part of my birthday. The phone. You'd think it wouldn't be, but it is. Why, exactly? Well...

We tried to activate it this morning, told us to enter some numbers, and it became a blank white screen with a black bar across it. What the crap? So anyway, we called tech support, and we have to get it to an "authorized dealer" and get it repaired or replaced. Fun, i know. Gun, please get me one.

Friday: We saw the play. "Out of the Frying Pan," it was called. It was about 6 actors who all share an apartment, and it was very funny. A few of my friends were in it, so i had to go, if not to support the school's theatre department. We got home after, and i finished the first disc of The Office.

Today: Woke up, did some phone stuff, went out to pick out new glasses frames. I got me some neat ones. Too bad you won't see them! Waaaahahahahahaaaa. I'm kidding, maybe you will. If you live near me. Or go to school with me. I'm getting them in a week. Be ready for it...come on bring it. Now i'm just rambling. And blathering. Have i mentioned how much i like the word "blather?" It's a great one, it is. You know what kind of sounds like blather? Banjo. I love the banjo. It can make alot of songs great. Except when it's out of place. There's nothing worse than an out of place banjo. Just plucking away. It's like singing "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night at a funeral, you know? Anyway...

1) "I'm going to punch the tooth."

- The Office (The Convict deleted scenes) Why did those last 15 minutes? Did Ricky and Stephen know how long American TV runs for? If so, why on Earth did they write so much? Maybe they just though they were really great, and wanted to make the actors do a ton of extra work. Jerks.

2) Currently watching (later): The Office - Season Three - Disc Two.

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