Friday, November 30, 2007

Oh! 2 Things to Do!

As you may or may not know, tomorrow is the start of December. Thus, the start of me celebrating the Christmas holiday. Tomorrow, December 1, i plan to listen to all 42 tracks, or all 2 hours and 8 minutes of Sufjan Stevens Christmas box set. I also plan to listen to a different Decemberists song each day. Or two, i have enough. 66 to be exact. It will be an event for us all, my friends.

So, finals ended today. The only one i'm almost sure i didn't do good on is my Biology final. It was lengthy and difficult. I found out i got 130% on my english final. I feel so special. I'm sure i did well on my others.

Anyway, this means that on Tuesday, i start a new rimester. Here are my classes.

1. PE
2. Drama 2
3. Choir
4. Algebra
5. Open (There weren't any classes i wanted. I don't know what i'm doing then.

Well, i hope next tromester will be as awesome as this one. See you later.

1) "Please accept this gift box..from the Body Sop."

- Stella blooper reel

Now playing: Barenaked Ladies - Shopping
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Malika... said...

sufjan stevens is amazing
and the Decemberists are quite good too