Friday, July 15, 2005

Not To Spring This On You, But...

As you read yesterday, I was talking about a house showing. My family and Iour selling our house (trying) and moving to South Carolina. Looooooooooooooooooooooooong way's away, isn't it? Yes. Yes it is.

Here's something I'm kinda mad about: I got an email saying that They Might Be Giants were going to be here in Portland at the Crystal Ballroom, right? So, I was just flippin' through the entertainment section of the paper, I noticed an ad for the show. 18+! Do you know how much grief can eensue from a die-hard (well, die hard at first, but then, kinda melty) fan of their sweet, sweet rock-and-roll music? Tons! But, on the other hand, The Decemberists are coming here, and it's free, so I am on the edge of my proverbial seat here. It's this whole Bite Of Oregon thing. Food fest. and they have sweet, sweet music there. TMBG was there last year. This year (as mentioned) The Decemberists, The Violent Femmes, Little Richard, the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Natalie McMaster, etc.

1) "Owwwwwwwwwwwwww! Wolfman Jack says, "There's someone at the front door, baby!""

2) I'm currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1

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