Saturday, July 2, 2005

Something to Think About

I just found this on the Bright Eyes website.

I want you all at saddle creek to know that i had a tremendous amount of respect for mr. oberst until i saw his performance on jay leno tonight. This man is an idiot. I do not wish to be subject to his political bial or views on atheism. I simply want to hear his music. I will never again support anything that bright eyes, or saddle creek records, does. This display was completely ridiculous. I think that conor should also note, that the only reason he is libral, is because it's the trendy thing to do right now. It's pathetic that the people who claim to be different; those who people like us are supposed to look up to, people who "think for themselves" and are only who they want to be. People that are supposedly good writers and the thinkers of our time, are subject to the fads of the political system. Congradulations conor, you've lost a fan. - Zach

Yup. I agree somewhat. I totally do not respect this song, or the person who wrote this scathing review. I hate the song. I think that it has the lyrics I've ever heard on it. But that is the tradition of folk music. It's supposed to bash authority. And that's the only reson I like it. I just don't respect the words and views of Mr. Conor Oberst, but, Just because I don't agree with the song's message, doesn't mean I don't have to like any of his music, you know?

Anyway. I thought i would just take some time to say those words.

Good day.

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