Friday, July 22, 2005

Packin' Like Crazy!!!


Yesterday we started (well, i did) packing stuff for the big move. My room is now a crap pile. You can walk in, but not anywhere else. Speaking of packing, there are belongings of ours that currenlty belong to others. In other words, people borrowed things of ours that they NEED to give back. Well, only one thing. My aunt currently has our Donkey Kong 64 game. I re-heeally want to play that game so much. I can't wait till i get to again.
Anyway, If i can I will post during next week.

1) {standing in front of bunch of children}
Gob: "They're illusions, Michael. Tricks are something a whore does for money...Or candy!"

-Arrested Development

2)Currently listening to: Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News

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