Sunday, July 17, 2005


We just got back form an incredibly long showing ride/sit. The people said they would be here at 11:00. Here it is, 12:39, just about fifteen minutes ago we came into the house. Yeah! I know! And they said they might make an offer today or tomorrow. They also asked if we could be out by the 5th of August. That could almost definitely mean that I'll miss the Decemberists show on the 12th. This makes me very angry. They can't be serious! That's in less than 3 weeks! Come on!
Anyway, today for the remainder of the day I'm going to chill out, drink some DCVDP (Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, I'm a diabetic, not a health nut.), watch stuff, eat, play Sly Cooper, blah-dee-blah.

1) "Does it excite your emotions? Give me my eyes so i might furrow my brow, and express the anger i am feeling!"

2) I'm currently playing - Sly Cooper and the Theivius Raccoonus - PS2

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