Sunday, July 31, 2005

A Neeeeew Caaaaaaar!!!!!

It's official, We're not movin' yet.
Our time tables have turned, Dr. Evil-Moving-In-Peoples. The people that are moving in to the house have trouble with getting their stuff out of their dumpy house. So yeah, we're stayin' fer a couple of weeks mo'.

Just got back from Roseburg. Me and my sister stayed at our cousin's house from Monday to today. We met our ultra-cool cousin's ultra-cool friend, Melissa. She likes just about everything we do. Bright Eyes, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, etc.

Yesterday, my parents got a "new" car. To us anyways. Used. A 2003 Chevrolet Trailblazer. It's so cool. It's got backseat air conditioners, and it's big. Oh boy.

1) "Appearantly, the owner of the store went crazy and went slashing prices."

2) NewsRadio: The Complete 1st and 2nd Seasons

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