Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's...Almost February!

Yeah, and i have nothing much to write about. Wow this is a turn for the worse. I knew i wanted to wait till some other time, danget! Oh well. Guess i'll leave you all with the Dailies.

1) "I wasn't even ready for those, and i made 'em!"

- Matt Chapman (Exaggerations)

2) Currently watching: Upright Citizens Brigade: The Complete Forst Season

Monday, January 30, 2006

And Here is the Sacred Tower of GobbleGoo...

In drama today, we helped design sets for the jazz show in the cafeteria next Wednesday. I expect it to suck Donkey Kong, but you never know.

Last night, the family went out to Sato, a Japanese restaurant where they cook in front of you and make wisecracks. Our guy called me Bill 'cuz appearantly i looked like Bill Gates. He was making all sots of funnies. But the couple in front of us was um...let's just say they loves the sake. Oh, man. Hopefully Liz will talk at you about the Drinkersons.

1) "Oh, one more thing...Bill Gates runs like a girl."

- Attack of the Show! (Steve Jobs skit)

2) Currently watching (when i get it): NewsRadio: Season 3, February 28th, ya'll!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Yeah, It's Friday. Title And Mind: Boring

I'm sort of bored, listening to a 6:30 minute remix of A Little Respect by Erasure and the words have just started. It sounds horrible, I'm turning it off.

Anyway, I found out today that someone has been talking about me behind my back. I have no clue why, i did nothing to this person and they are hardly superior to me. Sometimes you can just shake your head and wonder why.

I have no idea what's going on this weekend. I want to do something, i just don't know what. Tha's kind of sad.

A side note: Does anyone want to see a blog of a band recording an album? I did, and i read it. The Polyphonic Spree is recording their 3rd album currently, and have just started an album blog. The link is here. Enjoy.

1) "I know the answer to this question and that is...The Backstreet Boys."

- Aqua Teen Hunger Force

2) Currently Scrubs: Season 2 (and episodes 507 and 508 on tape)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It Works! Yeeuh...

That was awesome. The plug-in worked. OK, I'm done with that.

As i sit here, blogging on my 2nd consecutive day home from school, i feel kinda icky, but i think I'll be up and able tomorrow. I still got the cough going on, and the nose is still snotty as all get out. It's disgusting.

My sister's birthday is today, and she has detention for being tardy. Incredibly stupid, right? Right. Anyway, i have no idea what she's getting. That's right, Liz, no idea.

1) "I chimed in with a, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the G**D*** door?"

- I Write Sins, Not Tragedies (Panic! At The Disco)

2) I'll let this do the talking:

Simulation Terminated

This is a test of the mublo plug-in. it shows what i'm listening to, i hope.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ow! They're Pointy Now!

I stayed home sick today and i still feel a little bit crappy. And i also missed drama class today, that really put a damper on the day.

Anyway, all i really did was lay in bed and watch TV all day. I was a little boring, but the day went by very fast. We just got through dinner. Wendy's, they people there are idiots, they forgot mom's silverware for her whatever she needs silverware for and put onions on my burger. Golly gee, kids.

In other news, i'm really addicted to that new Panic! At The Disco song, "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies". It's really good. Alright, see ya later. Not much else to talk about.

1) "They said i made ridiculous gestures with my coffee mug."
"Wow, that's really something that pierces a man's soul, isn't it?"

- NewsRadio

2) Watching: Scrubs: Season 2

Monday, January 23, 2006

Confident For Once

I actually understand what we're doing in math right now, but the teacher is very idiotic and i have learn it on my own basically. She has no idea how to explain anything. It's very garbled and confusing.

Anyway, today wasn't too interesting. But tomorrow probably will be. Drama, blah blah. And tonight, 24's on, so i have that to look forward to!

In other news, my Dad's friend has arrived to this state and is living with us now, and is out looking at an apartment as we speak. The other night i was watching Scrubs and he walked in and he thought it was funny so we started watching from the beginning. He said he really likes it. We've got a new fan.

1) "Are you into magic?" {lighter fluid squirts out of arm)
"Still...where did the lighter fluid come from?"

- Arrested Development

2) Watching: Scrubs: Season 1

Friday, January 20, 2006

This Just Sucks

Today i found out what my test grade was in Algebra. A 33% out of 100%. I know. It mostly covered the stuff i didn't understand. Let me just ell you what the teacher said to me today: "When do you plan on learning this?" You see, the nomral teacher would be calling me to their desk and saying things like, "What's going on?" and "What's wrong?" But not her, lemme tell ya. I hate her so much and i just feel like I'm the stupidest kid in the class. Everyone else knows how to do everything and i'm the kid for everyone to answer before i do. I just feel so depressed. I don't know what to do. I don't want to take 2 freaking years of 8th grade. I have until May to clean up and get serious about this and i better do it fast. I can't go through this again, and i don't want any of you to either. I have no clue whatsoever how my Dad's gonna react to this.

No dailies today, not in the mood.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Flash Gordon!

As in, Flash game-a-palooza. Let's round 'em up:

Cubefield: Fly around and avoid the cubes. Just that.

Kitten Cannon: Fire a cat out of cannon and see how far it goes.

Stinkoman 20X6: Can anyone say Genesis platformer-esque? A game based on the Homestar Runner character. Very cool.

Icy Tower: A cool "jump-to-a-platform" game. And it's free!

One more...

The Lagend of Zelda: The Lampshade of No Real Significance: Funny Zelda game. It's also fun.

There you have it. Some games i like and hope you will too. See you all next time with some more games.

...But I Did Not Shoot The Deputy...

This guy did this hilarious rendition of "I Shot the Sheriff" on American Idol the other night, and the next day, that's all anyone sang at school. All he did was sing the chorus, about 10 times in a row.

Not much went on today. But i have Drama tomorrow, so it's ALL good.

I'm finally going to come out and say this, even though i've kept it inside for about two years: The Simpsons is not funny anymore. It really started it's downfall last year at the beginning, after the Treehouse of Horror show, but everyone else says alot earlier than that, which i disagree with. I just need it to end. Same thing with Will and Grace. "It's a great show!" Says no one. Seriously, whoever thinks that's funny is a half-wit, I'm saying it here first.

In news you and everybody care about: The WB is working on getting Whose Line? on DVD! This makes great news to lots of people. Also, speaking of DVD, I'm getting NewsRadio Season 3 with my money that i want to spend. I just need to wait a month. Urgh!

1) "You did not just page me to ask how much Tylenol tom give her, did you? Look, it's REGULAR STRENGTH Tylenol, here's what you do: You take it, wad it up, throw it at her, and see how much sticks. That is the correct dose."

- Scrubs

2) Watching: Scrubs: Season 1
Playing: Icy Tower (download.com)
Listening to: The Hives - Tyranosaurus Hives

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sorry: In Other OTHER News...

My dad's friend Kevin (AKA Uncle Kev) has started and has almost completed his journey to South Carolina. Crazy? Yes. But he's gonna live here in the city and in some apartments not too far away from our house. So, he'll probably be here tomorrow night, my dad says. I hope to see him, and he hopes to see us and the cat. I'll be in when i feel like it with more breaking news!

(scroll down for previous post because i just wrote it today and you may not have read it yet...)


But first, more Dailies:

1) "When did you learn how to play that?"
"The violin."
"Oh, you mean the stringy paddle?"

1-2) "You didn't just do good, Jerri, you did...gooder..."

- Strangers With Candy


Well, Seeing As You Can't Verbally Abuse Anyone...You're Fired.

It now seems any one teacher in South Carolina's job to make every single student fell like complete crap. If you knew how much teachers yell around here, you'd be amazed. That's probably why SC was featured prominently in 20/20's expose on Friday, "Stupid in America: How we Are Cheating Our Kids". I watched that program and was astounded at how much the people don't care about children. All they care about is money. Appearantly, they don't even need money to succeed. They shoed a school that paid literally billions of dollars for new equipment, and failed to make any improvements in the student productivity area. That's a shame, and yet, no one notices whatsoever. Not the President, not anybody, that's the honest truth. Not even the school administrators notice. They're caught in an illusion that thy;re actually improving, that is also a shame.

I feel the problem is teachers, not precious money. If we had good teachers, the students would feel interested in the subject and pass. But oh no. that can't happen evidently. All the teachers do is this to me: They bring me down until i'm at an all-time low, whcih makes not want to do my work. Even when you make the slightest imperfection. It makes me sick. Note that this isn't all teachers, just alot of them. Very few are actually good at their jobs. That too, shame. Well, i hope you've been reading this. If you got bored, please just go and start over. This is very important to me and you. Yes, you too. That has been my activism update for the day. I will now stop being a hippie.

In other related news, the same night as the opening ceremonies of the 2006 Torino Winter Games, the 2-hour season and extremely possibly 2-hour series finale of Arrested Development. Yes, it has come to this. the last 4 episodes in a row. This makes the happy flow, please ABC or Showtime! Have a heart and soul. Do it! You know you wanna! Oh yeah, we'll make it worth your while.

1) "Remember when you wanted to make your own breakfast cereal?"
"Hey, if the FDA didn't get off my back, we'd all be eating JD's Bananas and Nuts!"

- Scrubs

2) Currently watching - NewsRadio - Seasons 1 ad 2

P.S.: Sorry for the incredibly long paragraph. I feel strongly about things.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Here's Stroke With Juicy Juice!

If you know what that's from, i love you, not you Liz.

Today was Friday, the beginning of a three-day weekend. MLK Day is on Monday so...w00t!

That's about it.

1) "Chicklet, Senor?"
"You're the chicklet, not me!"

- Arrested Development

2) Currently watching: Serenity (Joss Whedon commentray)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I Got Sort of a...Jingle Jangle...

Today, school was half off. We got out at 1:00 rather than the ususal 3:45. It rocks, and I'm happy. It felt like the last day of school. It was hot out, too. That's the only thing good about today, tomorrow's a full day. Giggedy gag.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, Sleeper Cell was OK. I might flip on it sometime. I'll probablay watch Huff regularly though. It's pretty good. It' got the right amount of humor and drama, yeah...

Scrubs was also excellent on Tuesday and Lost was great last night. Tonight's lineup: My Name is Earl and The Office. Aw Yeeuh.

1) "Hey, Bubsamecium, i need some embarassing cream for my embarassing body parts."

- Strong Bad Email 140 (Highschool)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What Is The Deal With Blogs? And Other Observations, a la Jerry Seinfeld

My sister hasn't updated hers since before Christmas, what's up with that?

So, last night, while my sister watched Medium in the living room, i watched the first episode of Huff on Showtime in my room. I really liked it. Hank Azaria (The Simpsons, duhhhhh) and Paget Brewster (Andy Richter Controls the Universe) are in it. Hank plays a depressed psychiatrist. The next epsode (rerun) is next Monday! Yay! They're showing season 1 encores on Mondays. Also, tonight is the encore of episode 1 of Sleeper Cell, a show about everyday people living a double life as terrorists. It looks really good. The DirecTV guide says its TV-14, so I'm good.

Today was report card day. In Oregon, i would've done fine, but here i did pretty badly. The grading system is complex and questionable.

Tomorrow is drama class, yay, can't wait to do some actual acting and what not.

Also, there's funally something new on H*R! It's great.

1) "Look, you can't go putting people on your "gay list" willy-nilly."
"Willy-nilly? That's so gay."
"...I am gay..."

- Upright Ctizens Brigade

2) Watching: NewsRadio - Seasons 1 and 2

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey...Guess What? And Other Questions

I actually want to go to school tomorrow. I want to got to drama class, also. That's the main reason. I'm also nervous about report cards, which come home tomorrow. Wow. Well, no matter what i got, i have sort of a clean slate this year.

Also, acouple days ago, i reinstated my DeviantArt career. I haven't written anyhitng since summer, so i started 2006 with a blizzard. I wrote 3 things. If you wish to know where to read said things, here you go:


1) "What am i thinking right now?"
"You're thinking, can i kill a tiger armed only with a firearm?"
"You're thinking, if i get dropped in the jungle, will i be able to eat my own shoes?"
"Then what are you thinking?"
"I was just wondering...will there ever be a boy born...who can swim faster than a shark?"

- The Office (UK)

2) Currently watching - NewsRadio - Season 1 and 2

Thursday, January 5, 2006

The Possibilities Are Endless!

Today was the start of the 2nd semester. In which i have a drama class, the people and teacher are brilliant.

Also, we are going out to dinner with the grandparents. Don't know where, talk you later.

1) "OK, that is inappropriate touching."

- Attack of the Show!

2) Currently Watching: Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Vol. 2

Monday, January 2, 2006

Only if You Knew...

How much i'm hurting right now. I just missed an eposode of Arrested Development, and appearantly it was the last one ever.

Everybody is saying online that this is the finale and it might not be on until February for the last 4 episodes whcih doesn't make sense at all and that Fox is making room for House and Skating with Celebrities which is going to be s***canned anyway. And they're all saying it was the best one ever. I'm crying right now, ou'd not believe how sad i am.

I'm completely crushed and devistated. I'm trying as hard as i possibly can to fight the tears. I guess i'll just read the transcript online. Of course, it won't be as fun as seeing it, but at least i get to read what happened.


Sunday, January 1, 2006

Happy Whatever and Blah Blah Blah!

We all know it by heart, except newborn babies.

First 2006 post is coming at you, let's hope this year will be better than the last, stupid Tom Cruise. Oh, wait. He's still alive. Ah!

Well, my grandparents from Roseburg just were picked ip at the airport about 6 hours ago, they're probably napping as i type.

In other related news, Liz is planning to invite her boyfriend over to my uncle's house, she hasn't talked to him yet, because he hasn't answered his phone, i want to see where this goes.

1) "I hate to be gross, but i feel the only time you can yell out, "I have diarrhea" is when you're playing Scrabble, and it gets you a crapload of points."

- Zach Galafianakis

2) Currently listening: 129 song on random (MP3 Player)