Thursday, January 19, 2006

...But I Did Not Shoot The Deputy...

This guy did this hilarious rendition of "I Shot the Sheriff" on American Idol the other night, and the next day, that's all anyone sang at school. All he did was sing the chorus, about 10 times in a row.

Not much went on today. But i have Drama tomorrow, so it's ALL good.

I'm finally going to come out and say this, even though i've kept it inside for about two years: The Simpsons is not funny anymore. It really started it's downfall last year at the beginning, after the Treehouse of Horror show, but everyone else says alot earlier than that, which i disagree with. I just need it to end. Same thing with Will and Grace. "It's a great show!" Says no one. Seriously, whoever thinks that's funny is a half-wit, I'm saying it here first.

In news you and everybody care about: The WB is working on getting Whose Line? on DVD! This makes great news to lots of people. Also, speaking of DVD, I'm getting NewsRadio Season 3 with my money that i want to spend. I just need to wait a month. Urgh!

1) "You did not just page me to ask how much Tylenol tom give her, did you? Look, it's REGULAR STRENGTH Tylenol, here's what you do: You take it, wad it up, throw it at her, and see how much sticks. That is the correct dose."

- Scrubs

2) Watching: Scrubs: Season 1
Playing: Icy Tower (
Listening to: The Hives - Tyranosaurus Hives

1 comment:

weas said...

Hooray, a Whose Line DVD set! I hope it's not all bleeped out though, because I feel like I'm missing something when they bleep stuff like that.

And unaired episodes too, I hope.