Sunday, January 8, 2006

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey...Guess What? And Other Questions

I actually want to go to school tomorrow. I want to got to drama class, also. That's the main reason. I'm also nervous about report cards, which come home tomorrow. Wow. Well, no matter what i got, i have sort of a clean slate this year.

Also, acouple days ago, i reinstated my DeviantArt career. I haven't written anyhitng since summer, so i started 2006 with a blizzard. I wrote 3 things. If you wish to know where to read said things, here you go:

1) "What am i thinking right now?"
"You're thinking, can i kill a tiger armed only with a firearm?"
"You're thinking, if i get dropped in the jungle, will i be able to eat my own shoes?"
"Then what are you thinking?"
"I was just wondering...will there ever be a boy born...who can swim faster than a shark?"

- The Office (UK)

2) Currently watching - NewsRadio - Season 1 and 2

1 comment:

weas said...

(on the deviantart accounts) Hey, so have I...small world!