Monday, January 2, 2006

Only if You Knew...

How much i'm hurting right now. I just missed an eposode of Arrested Development, and appearantly it was the last one ever.

Everybody is saying online that this is the finale and it might not be on until February for the last 4 episodes whcih doesn't make sense at all and that Fox is making room for House and Skating with Celebrities which is going to be s***canned anyway. And they're all saying it was the best one ever. I'm crying right now, ou'd not believe how sad i am.

I'm completely crushed and devistated. I'm trying as hard as i possibly can to fight the tears. I guess i'll just read the transcript online. Of course, it won't be as fun as seeing it, but at least i get to read what happened.



weas said...

Geez, that's really hard...I remember when I missed a single episode of the Pokemon TV series, and it turned out to be the one where Brock left and got replaced by that new guy. The show just wasn't the same after that, and I think I actually stopped caring about Pokemon at that point too.

Darren Hicks said...

i feel your pain. i printed the transcript and it read good.I just need to hear and watch it.