Monday, January 30, 2006

And Here is the Sacred Tower of GobbleGoo...

In drama today, we helped design sets for the jazz show in the cafeteria next Wednesday. I expect it to suck Donkey Kong, but you never know.

Last night, the family went out to Sato, a Japanese restaurant where they cook in front of you and make wisecracks. Our guy called me Bill 'cuz appearantly i looked like Bill Gates. He was making all sots of funnies. But the couple in front of us was um...let's just say they loves the sake. Oh, man. Hopefully Liz will talk at you about the Drinkersons.

1) "Oh, one more thing...Bill Gates runs like a girl."

- Attack of the Show! (Steve Jobs skit)

2) Currently watching (when i get it): NewsRadio: Season 3, February 28th, ya'll!

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