Friday, January 20, 2006

This Just Sucks

Today i found out what my test grade was in Algebra. A 33% out of 100%. I know. It mostly covered the stuff i didn't understand. Let me just ell you what the teacher said to me today: "When do you plan on learning this?" You see, the nomral teacher would be calling me to their desk and saying things like, "What's going on?" and "What's wrong?" But not her, lemme tell ya. I hate her so much and i just feel like I'm the stupidest kid in the class. Everyone else knows how to do everything and i'm the kid for everyone to answer before i do. I just feel so depressed. I don't know what to do. I don't want to take 2 freaking years of 8th grade. I have until May to clean up and get serious about this and i better do it fast. I can't go through this again, and i don't want any of you to either. I have no clue whatsoever how my Dad's gonna react to this.

No dailies today, not in the mood.

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