Thursday, January 12, 2006

I Got Sort of a...Jingle Jangle...

Today, school was half off. We got out at 1:00 rather than the ususal 3:45. It rocks, and I'm happy. It felt like the last day of school. It was hot out, too. That's the only thing good about today, tomorrow's a full day. Giggedy gag.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, Sleeper Cell was OK. I might flip on it sometime. I'll probablay watch Huff regularly though. It's pretty good. It' got the right amount of humor and drama, yeah...

Scrubs was also excellent on Tuesday and Lost was great last night. Tonight's lineup: My Name is Earl and The Office. Aw Yeeuh.

1) "Hey, Bubsamecium, i need some embarassing cream for my embarassing body parts."

- Strong Bad Email 140 (Highschool)

1 comment:

weas said...

"These are for my twin brother!"