Sunday, January 1, 2006

Happy Whatever and Blah Blah Blah!

We all know it by heart, except newborn babies.

First 2006 post is coming at you, let's hope this year will be better than the last, stupid Tom Cruise. Oh, wait. He's still alive. Ah!

Well, my grandparents from Roseburg just were picked ip at the airport about 6 hours ago, they're probably napping as i type.

In other related news, Liz is planning to invite her boyfriend over to my uncle's house, she hasn't talked to him yet, because he hasn't answered his phone, i want to see where this goes.

1) "I hate to be gross, but i feel the only time you can yell out, "I have diarrhea" is when you're playing Scrabble, and it gets you a crapload of points."

- Zach Galafianakis

2) Currently listening: 129 song on random (MP3 Player)

1 comment:

weas said...

Happy new year and all that jazz. Hooray for Scrabble.