Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Take That, Sparta!

I'm almost at post 400, so, F you, Frank Miller.

I'm completely serious, i hate hate hate the idea of the movie 300. First of all, it's just people's heads getting chopped off at different speeds for 3 hours, and it's a completely fake movie. When i say that, i mean nothing in the movie is actually real. Not the plot, not the historical accuracy, not the set, nothing at all. I gues if you're either a stupid American or a really really straight man, then i guess you'd love, wouldn't you? Urgh, that movie makes me so angry.

Anyway, rant over. Bye.

1 comment:

weas said...

I guess 300 really just applies to action movie freaks and people who read the original graphic novel series.

Still not going to watch it, though. I prefer my Jackie Chan movies.