Thursday, July 21, 2005

We've Got Both Kinds! Country and Western!

Next week, from Monday to Sunday, I'm going to visit my relatives in Roseburg. My aunt and uncle, cousins and grandparents. They've only goy country music and one other stuff station over there. It's ridiculous.
Anyway, I have a very busy weekend.
Saturday: My Dad's friends come over
Sunday: Visit sister's friend to stay the night
Monday morning: Go to Roseburg (about a 3 hour drive)
Yes, yes. Very busy. So I might not post in a while. We've only got five days left to move after Sunday. It's going to be a EXTREMELY hectic five days.
Guess what? This Friday on the Sci-Fi Channel, they're going to start showing episodes of Firefly! I cannot wait! (Although, i might miss a couple...) I'm going to get the DVD anyways. It's like a lead-in thing to the movie. Serenity! September 30, 2005!!!

1) "I haven't slept for ten days. Because that would be too long."
Mitch Hedberg

2) I'm currently playing: Super Mario 64 - Nintendo 64


EksFaktr said...

Figures... I finally get into my own place and you guys are gunna disappear. =P

Well, be sure to leave lots of notes and soforth. Danke =)

Darren Hicks said...

Super Mario 64 rules!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that is kinda sad. Make sure to invite us to the wedding!