Saturday, December 31, 2005

Fine, Make Me Feel Bad!

One more thing, if you think i left somehting out of my 2005 Best of Awards, just leave me a comment right here. Please?

The Best of 2005

Here are my awards of the year, giggedy giggedy.

Best Albums:

Coldplay - X&Y
White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
Nickel Creek - Why Should the Fire Die?
Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning/Digital Ash in a Digital Urn double CD
Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams

Best DVDs:

The Incredibles
Napoleon Dynamite
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Best TV DVDs:

Scrubs: Season 1 and 2
Arrested Development - Season 2
The Office (US) - Season 1
The Brak Show - Volume 1

Best Movies:

King Kong
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Best Movie Trailers:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Best TV Shows:

Arrested Development
Veronica Mars

Most Shocking Moments:

GTA:SA Hot Coffee/AO incident
Arrested renewed, then reduced to 13
Michael Jackson acquitted
Family Guy retrurns

Funniest things of 2005:

R. Kelly: Trapped in the Closet
Martha's comeback

Moments of the year that made you smile with glee:

Michael Jackson: Bahrain bound
AD's renewal
What? A Firefly movie?

Moments that made you scream in agony:

Jackson's Acquittal
AD's major cutback, 2.0
Tom Cruise: Cuh-Razy!
Paris Hilton: Still a 'Tard Muffin

Best Breakout:

Fall Out Boy
Steve Carrell
Jason Lee
My Chemical Romance

Well, there they all are. The Best, i don't want to do the worst because i might offend, just kidding, i don't care about that. But anyway, i will see you next year, which i hear is tomorrow, alright, later dudes!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sort of Bored Out of My Wits...

I have nothing to do. I watched all of my new DVDs except Serenity, We Love Katamari is getting really hard, and i miss alot of people, this is the best/worst Christmas ever.

I'll be talking to you, sorry fr lack of post, and this being a short one.

1) "Hi Mom, i have the entire day off."
"Really? Did nothing cancel?"

- Arrested Development

2) Currently playing: We Love Katamari (PS2)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

My Gifts: Christmas 2005

Here's the master list, what i got, what Liz got, dad, mom, blah blah blee bloo blah.

What i got:

  1. We Love Katamari
  2. Scrubs - Season 2
  3. Homestar Runner: Everything Else Vol. 1
  4. Trogdor shirt
  5. DVD rack
  6. Serenity DVD
  7. other shirt
  8. undies
  9. Mp3 player (512MB)
  10. Napoleon Dynamite poster
  11. 5-pack VHS 6Hr. tapes

What Liz got:

  1. pajamas
  2. Nancy Drew PC game
  3. Weezer - Make Believe CD
  4. my no. 8
  5. my no. 9
  6. Spongebob DVD
  7. i forget the rest


  1. Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have it So Much Better CD
  2. System of a Down - Hypnotize CD
  3. Hercules - Season 1
  4. Charile Chaplin box set


  1. Queen on Fire - Live at the Bowl DVD
  2. Johnny Cash Greatest Hits CD
  3. Shirts
  4. number 8

That's it. That's all of it. Jealous much?

Just Wait A Minute, Or An Hour, Maybe Five...

It's almost the magical time of the day where...THE WHOLE FAMILY OPENS BOXES! Sorry, it's Christmas Eve. The plans are:

  1. Play board games
  2. Breakfast for dinner
  3. Open ALL gifts

And then, play play play, sleep sleep sleep, go to uncle's house, have another week of off-time, school. Oh, boy. I'll be back tonight with my list of gifts and what other people got. Seeya!

1) "I had my finger in a heart today."

"Very cool!"

- Grey's Anatomy

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 2

Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Need Something to do on a Lazy Sunday?

It's something from last Saturday's SNL. It is very funny. Watch only if you have no food or drink in your mouth. This is very funny.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Was Beauty Killed the Beast

Just got back from seeing King Kong, i nwas very impressed. They made the monkey look real. Peter Jackson is also super thin now, so that doesn't hurt. I honestly thought Jack Black couldn't pull off that role, being a comedic actor and all, but he did. He's also my favorite celebrity.

OK, the day of battle is upon us. 3 more days until Christmas Eve. You all know what that means. We get to open boxes! W00t! I for one, am about to throw up, I'm so excited.

1) "A year ago, my sister was diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder, and there's nothing funny about that. But when she called me, my caller ID exploded."

- Zach Galafianakis

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1 & 2

Monday, December 19, 2005

It's 4:54, And This is the Afternoon Blog Post!

I sounded like a DJ there, no?

Anyway, i just got done with a rousing game of Scrabble witht the parentlas, Liz didn't play since she doesn't care about family and good times in the circle. I kid, i kid because i love.

Last night, we were about to watch Family Guy and it was slightly pre-empted by Bush's address. Not to bad, anyway, i finally came on, not in progress, and Mom and Dad laughed at some of it. I was shocked, i was convinced that they thought it was moronic, which it is. Anyway, i sort of get the feeling they don't want us watching it, but what are you going to do?

In other words, after tonight, only 5 more episodes of you-know-what. Cry cry, sob sob.

And also, Kitchen Confidential is officially canceled. F****ing gits! Only 4 shows, FOX! 4! What do you need to make room for? Hobos on Ice? a show where a cannibal trades houses with a priest's family? Tanya Harding's House? Just tell us, and we'll see if that show does any better. I'd just like to see one of you no-brains and give you a peice of my mind. Ignoramouses.

1) "This week, McDonald’s will launch a two-day media event to tout the quality of its food, and to combat critics who say its burgers and fries are unhealthy. McDonald’s says their food represents all four food groups: brown, dark brown, tan, and salty."

- Saturday Night Live

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Episode 308 (Making a Stand) (tonight at 8:00)

Friday, December 16, 2005

It's the Little Saint Nick

Today is "Get Off From School Until 2006 Friday"! Aren't you happy, too? I'm not. The holidays are leaving me feeling guilty. I have absolutely no money to buy things for people. I makes me feel bad. Knowing they got ME something.

Today is also a very special day for other things. Today was the Christmas assembly at school. The choir: horrible, the band: decent, the strings ensemble: Incredibly horrible. Also, these people, i have no idea where there from, came up and did improv games. They were funny.

Also, before lunch, the vision teacher called me to her portable and me and all the other vision kids had this pizza party, they were like any other normal kids, there's this really funy girl named Malaysia. That better be how to spell the name.

1) (preforming a card trick} "This is the queen. Let's just call her Marta for squeaks and gigs."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently watching (later): A.S.S.S.S.C.A.T.: Improv (Upright Citizens Brigade Bravo special)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Side Post #143: Listy McGoo

It is now the perfect time to list my gift wants and needs for 2005:

  1. Family Guy - Vol. 3 (I just want it because i have seen all of the episodes and it's not too expensive)
  2. Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Vol. 1, 2, 3 or 4 (Don't cost too much, again. And i need one now since i've decided i really flippin' like the show)
  3. We Love Katamari (Don't want the original, because this one looks way cooler)
  4. Soul Calibur III (Make-A-Character Mode! Come on!)
  5. Scrubs - Season 2 (I have Season 1, so i need to complete the collection so far)
  6. The Office (UK) Complete Series Box (seen it all, need the DVDs badly, and it costs alot more to buy the individual sets)

So, that's it. I think I'm getting the Homestar Runner shorts DVD with my own money, so i didn't add it to the list. No dailies because it's a side post, duh!

So I Came Home...

And found my mom watching X-Play, the video game review show, i didn't know she would want to watch it. Anyway, yesterday, she went to Blockbuater and rented Tak 3: The Great JuJu Challenge. I guess it's good. Patrick Warburton is one of the voices in it. He's funny.

In other news, i took my history and science exams today. I think i did OK on both. Math is tomorrow, let us pray.

In other other news, only 6 more episodes of Arrested Development. Now everybody start the crying in unison, come on. I know you're sad, too. It's all gonna be OK. Find some Kleenex and a shoulder. I'll go do that right now.

1) {referring to a Christian camp} "You know what's risky? Letting your son go on that church thing."
"Her name is Ann, dad, and he's not going on her."

- What else but AD?

2) Currently listening to: Little by Little - Harvey Danger

Monday, December 12, 2005

Giggedy-Giggedy Goo!

Today was cool, i guess. Here's a rundown:

1. Reveiewed for exams

2. This was the highlight of my day. It needed no effort whatsoever. I was just walking along the track because that's what you do when you don't want to play football. I talked to the coaches for a while, they asked questions about where i was from and things of that nature. It was nice, then i was greeted by someone i did not know. We got tot alking and i finally aksed her the name/ Her name is Madalin. She grew up in Turkey and moved here. She speaks perfect English. She's also Muslim. She wears one of those things on her head, not the full body thing, just the head thing.

So she's my friend and that's the end of show, donk.

1) "It's not gonna be some walk on the beach, he's gonna have to work."
"That's OK, Mom packed me a change of clothes."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development Season 1 and episode 307 (Prison Break-In) at 8:00 on those bloody gits at FOX

Friday, December 9, 2005

Afformentioned Bonus Videos

Read the previous post first, then watch these.

They're hilarious.


I just watched Attack of the Blode 6 for almost the 100th time, i love the song.

Oh, I'll eat you if you're English
I'll eat you if you're French
I'll eat you if you're Roger Moore or if you're Judi Dench
I like eating people of every different type
and when i'm full of eating them
I put them in my pipe
I like eating people
With a glass of gin
I like all bits of people
But my favorite bit's the chin.

It's funny. Anyway, today wasn't too bad at all. Nothing to difficult. 1 week until winter break. I want it now. I'm sounding like Veruca Salt, but i do not care a bit. At least I'm not spoiled like an old apple.

Has anyone else heard the rumors that the Nintendo Revolution will cost around $100? That's absolutely wild. Wildly awesome! Oh, i can't wait until next year. I wanna see the new Super Smash Brothers and how the new controller plays! WAAAAHHHH!!!!!

1) "Why would you want Vin Deasel to sign anything?"
"Because...he's the oacifier, he takes care of little kids!"
"He's the funniest comedian to date! He's got guns, he's got chops, he's amazing!"

UCB: ASSSSCAT: Improv bonus videos

2) Currently watching: Comedians of Comedy (Comedy Central, 11:00 PM)

Thursday, December 8, 2005

My Friends at the Office

On, i have friends that are people from the TV show The Office, the actors, not the characters. I hate novelty profiles.

Anyways, i have to finish that writing project tomorrow, i'm telling you, i can not wirte and think up ideas that quickly, it's heartbreaking.

Not much else to type about. It rained today...Oh, boy.

1) "Soemtimes i like to go to the bank with a pad and paper and go up to someone and ask them, "How do you spell, "Shoot you in the face?"""

- Dane Cook

2) Currently watching: 100 Most Unexpected TV Moments (TV Land)

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

You Know That Thing Was Going Down

Started watching Apollo 13 in Science yesterday. The original, not some edited up peice of crap they give you at school. We're just wathcing this before finals, a little break. I'm really nervous about finals, but i should do just IT? Of course you don't, i know you.

This week's been fine do far, need to do LOTS of homewrok tonight, you'd not believe. I've got:

  • Algebra thing that I'm not even quite sure i can understand
  • Writing project in one of my electives
  • Writing project that was assigned today and is DUE FRIDAY in Language Arts
  • History test (finish, 'cuz i was absent)

I know, rough. I'll just have to give it my all. I hate school. I just want Christmas break to start already! Only 1 week and 2 days. Cannot be soon enough.

Lost isn't on until January. This makes me angry, i guess they gotta do dome dtuff for something, i have no idea what, maybe Dancing With The "Stars" 2. Or maybe that's in January as well...

Anyway, Scrubs also starts next month. Yay, now that AD is going to be canceled, i have another show i can hope not to be canceled.

1) "I feel so deliciously white trash!"

- Family Guy

2) currently listening: So Long, Farewell (The Vandals cover of Sound of Music song)

Monday, December 5, 2005


Because this is my 101th post, get it? Canine Crunchies? Come on!

I am extra happy today, for three resons:

1) I have easy homework and i can actually understand it. I know exactly how to do it, and there's not that much, so there!

2) In a while, we're going to the hospital to see the baby for hundredth time in two days!

3) Brace yourselves...NEW EPISODE OF ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT! This gets me elated to no bounds. It gives me the happy i've wanted for a long time! Taste the happy!

That's it. That why I'm so gleeful today.

You know what? The more that i thibk about it and the more i hate to admit it, i actually want an Xbox 360. But not enough to get one. I've heard good and bad things. But i am getting a Revolution, no doubt in my mind.

1) "Are you smoking crack or something? We do not allow that behavior in this establishment! Don't touch me!"

- Fit But You Know It (The Streets)

2) Currently watching: Arested Development (Episode 306) At 8:00 on FOX, watch! Pleeze!

Friday, December 2, 2005

Count Them, 2. And an Extra 100

This is my 100th blog post. As promised, i will say blog 100 times. That comes later.

Also, i have two new family members to welcome, i think one's not born yet. But one is!

The first, Lucien. My second cousin. My cousin's first child. This makes me wonder how weird this kid's gonna be (not in a bad way). I can't wait to meet the kid. Too bad i won't get to see him grow. On the other hand...

The second is Lucy. My new cousin and my uncle's first kid. This is gonna be great. My sister's gonna babysit her and we'll probably see her all the time. That'll be nice. I'll be the freak cousin.

My mom also went baby shopping today. Got clothes, what not. And family's probably ccoming out to see her after Christmas. It'll be nice to see family again. I miss them already.

So today, i'm staying home sick. Good thing it's Friday. So i have the whole weekend to recooperate. My mom's out to see something with Liz's "vocal prodution" class. It's at the fair grounds. She went at out at 11:43, now it's 1:53. Geeze.

1) "You are the weakest link! Good bye!"
"Wow, that's really funny! Dop you make up your own material? Because that is so fresh. Do yoiu have any Titanic jokes you wanna throw in? No?"

- Family Guy

2) Currently listening: Entire music library on Winamp

And now...

Blog 100 times.

There, i said it! You happy! I'm parched, i need a glas of water.

Thursday, December 1, 2005

I'm Sick...Of Wasting My Fridays Seeing Your Crappy Band!

I woke up today with an incredibly dry throat. It's still there right now. I went home from school early. Why? The throat and my blood sugar at lunch was 386. The normal range is 80 to 180, so, that's not that good. So now, I'm drinking lots of carb-free beveragews and running around the backyard with the dog.

OK, so i just saw this Jewish rapper dude on Fuse, the music channel. He was alright. Not half bad. I'm not kidding.

Alright, finally time for me to break down my teachers.

1: Mr. Hunt: He's a pretty nice guy. He's also the kind of guy who's not a racist but says semi-politically incorrect things. Like, mimics the people's accents.

2A: Coach Goodwin: He's mean and yelly, but so far, he hasn't yelled at me yet.

2B: Ms. Rush: She's one of my favorites. She's nice, and pretty laid back.

3: Ms. Wiggs: She's pretty nice to people. Gets slightly aggrivated at people.

4: Ms. Lumpkin: She yells alot. You would not believe. She's the yelliest teacher in the bunch.

5: Ms Precht: She's my favorite teacher. She's really cool.

So, that's it. There's-a my teahcers. See ya on the flip-flop.

1) "Stop it!" {takes straws out of his nostrils}
"But baby, i was being a walrus!"

- Scrubs

2) Currently listening: Caring is Creepy - The Shins