Friday, December 16, 2005

It's the Little Saint Nick

Today is "Get Off From School Until 2006 Friday"! Aren't you happy, too? I'm not. The holidays are leaving me feeling guilty. I have absolutely no money to buy things for people. I makes me feel bad. Knowing they got ME something.

Today is also a very special day for other things. Today was the Christmas assembly at school. The choir: horrible, the band: decent, the strings ensemble: Incredibly horrible. Also, these people, i have no idea where there from, came up and did improv games. They were funny.

Also, before lunch, the vision teacher called me to her portable and me and all the other vision kids had this pizza party, they were like any other normal kids, there's this really funy girl named Malaysia. That better be how to spell the name.

1) (preforming a card trick} "This is the queen. Let's just call her Marta for squeaks and gigs."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently watching (later): A.S.S.S.S.C.A.T.: Improv (Upright Citizens Brigade Bravo special)

1 comment:

weas said...

Whoot. You had a better day than I did, and that's saying a lot because my day sucked.