Friday, December 9, 2005


I just watched Attack of the Blode 6 for almost the 100th time, i love the song.

Oh, I'll eat you if you're English
I'll eat you if you're French
I'll eat you if you're Roger Moore or if you're Judi Dench
I like eating people of every different type
and when i'm full of eating them
I put them in my pipe
I like eating people
With a glass of gin
I like all bits of people
But my favorite bit's the chin.

It's funny. Anyway, today wasn't too bad at all. Nothing to difficult. 1 week until winter break. I want it now. I'm sounding like Veruca Salt, but i do not care a bit. At least I'm not spoiled like an old apple.

Has anyone else heard the rumors that the Nintendo Revolution will cost around $100? That's absolutely wild. Wildly awesome! Oh, i can't wait until next year. I wanna see the new Super Smash Brothers and how the new controller plays! WAAAAHHHH!!!!!

1) "Why would you want Vin Deasel to sign anything?"
"Because...he's the oacifier, he takes care of little kids!"
"He's the funniest comedian to date! He's got guns, he's got chops, he's amazing!"

UCB: ASSSSCAT: Improv bonus videos

2) Currently watching: Comedians of Comedy (Comedy Central, 11:00 PM)

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