Monday, December 5, 2005


Because this is my 101th post, get it? Canine Crunchies? Come on!

I am extra happy today, for three resons:

1) I have easy homework and i can actually understand it. I know exactly how to do it, and there's not that much, so there!

2) In a while, we're going to the hospital to see the baby for hundredth time in two days!

3) Brace yourselves...NEW EPISODE OF ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT! This gets me elated to no bounds. It gives me the happy i've wanted for a long time! Taste the happy!

That's it. That why I'm so gleeful today.

You know what? The more that i thibk about it and the more i hate to admit it, i actually want an Xbox 360. But not enough to get one. I've heard good and bad things. But i am getting a Revolution, no doubt in my mind.

1) "Are you smoking crack or something? We do not allow that behavior in this establishment! Don't touch me!"

- Fit But You Know It (The Streets)

2) Currently watching: Arested Development (Episode 306) At 8:00 on FOX, watch! Pleeze!

1 comment:

weas said...

I'd ignore the XBox 360 for about a year if I were you - the prices on it are still insane, and there aren't enough good games out to justify a purchase yet.

Not to mention there's this whole shortage thingamajig going on, which would probably set you back a while longer.