Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Was Beauty Killed the Beast

Just got back from seeing King Kong, i nwas very impressed. They made the monkey look real. Peter Jackson is also super thin now, so that doesn't hurt. I honestly thought Jack Black couldn't pull off that role, being a comedic actor and all, but he did. He's also my favorite celebrity.

OK, the day of battle is upon us. 3 more days until Christmas Eve. You all know what that means. We get to open boxes! W00t! I for one, am about to throw up, I'm so excited.

1) "A year ago, my sister was diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder, and there's nothing funny about that. But when she called me, my caller ID exploded."

- Zach Galafianakis

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1 & 2

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