Monday, December 12, 2005

Giggedy-Giggedy Goo!

Today was cool, i guess. Here's a rundown:

1. Reveiewed for exams

2. This was the highlight of my day. It needed no effort whatsoever. I was just walking along the track because that's what you do when you don't want to play football. I talked to the coaches for a while, they asked questions about where i was from and things of that nature. It was nice, then i was greeted by someone i did not know. We got tot alking and i finally aksed her the name/ Her name is Madalin. She grew up in Turkey and moved here. She speaks perfect English. She's also Muslim. She wears one of those things on her head, not the full body thing, just the head thing.

So she's my friend and that's the end of show, donk.

1) "It's not gonna be some walk on the beach, he's gonna have to work."
"That's OK, Mom packed me a change of clothes."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development Season 1 and episode 307 (Prison Break-In) at 8:00 on those bloody gits at FOX

1 comment:

weas said...

I'm happy to know that you're making friends.

I'm aware of just how overused and flat the sentence above is, but man, I'm just plain running out of profound stuff to say.