Thursday, December 8, 2005

My Friends at the Office

On, i have friends that are people from the TV show The Office, the actors, not the characters. I hate novelty profiles.

Anyways, i have to finish that writing project tomorrow, i'm telling you, i can not wirte and think up ideas that quickly, it's heartbreaking.

Not much else to type about. It rained today...Oh, boy.

1) "Soemtimes i like to go to the bank with a pad and paper and go up to someone and ask them, "How do you spell, "Shoot you in the face?"""

- Dane Cook

2) Currently watching: 100 Most Unexpected TV Moments (TV Land)

1 comment:

weas said...

I wish you luck with the writing project, but this isn't the only reason I'm noting you...

You got RAIN?!

It's frickin' blue skies up here! Barely below 60 degrees!

Argh...time to write a blog of my own now.