Wednesday, December 7, 2005

You Know That Thing Was Going Down

Started watching Apollo 13 in Science yesterday. The original, not some edited up peice of crap they give you at school. We're just wathcing this before finals, a little break. I'm really nervous about finals, but i should do just IT? Of course you don't, i know you.

This week's been fine do far, need to do LOTS of homewrok tonight, you'd not believe. I've got:

  • Algebra thing that I'm not even quite sure i can understand
  • Writing project in one of my electives
  • Writing project that was assigned today and is DUE FRIDAY in Language Arts
  • History test (finish, 'cuz i was absent)

I know, rough. I'll just have to give it my all. I hate school. I just want Christmas break to start already! Only 1 week and 2 days. Cannot be soon enough.

Lost isn't on until January. This makes me angry, i guess they gotta do dome dtuff for something, i have no idea what, maybe Dancing With The "Stars" 2. Or maybe that's in January as well...

Anyway, Scrubs also starts next month. Yay, now that AD is going to be canceled, i have another show i can hope not to be canceled.

1) "I feel so deliciously white trash!"

- Family Guy

2) currently listening: So Long, Farewell (The Vandals cover of Sound of Music song)


weas said...

You're lucky you don't have to watch Apollo 13 edited - at least it wasn't edited to emphasize the science parts (like my junior year science teacher did - we watched a heavily edited version of "Space Camp" in which he cut and pasted a single line over and over - "Yeah, I love science! Yeah, I love science! Yeah, I love science! Yeah, I love science! Yeah, I love science!").

Don't get me wrong, he was an awesome science teacher. Were it not for him, I would never have had the chance to go to the Denver Museum of Science. But he sometimes got a little too far with his science.

Darren Hicks said...

That's ounds weird, the movie thing. But hilarious.