Thursday, December 1, 2005

I'm Sick...Of Wasting My Fridays Seeing Your Crappy Band!

I woke up today with an incredibly dry throat. It's still there right now. I went home from school early. Why? The throat and my blood sugar at lunch was 386. The normal range is 80 to 180, so, that's not that good. So now, I'm drinking lots of carb-free beveragews and running around the backyard with the dog.

OK, so i just saw this Jewish rapper dude on Fuse, the music channel. He was alright. Not half bad. I'm not kidding.

Alright, finally time for me to break down my teachers.

1: Mr. Hunt: He's a pretty nice guy. He's also the kind of guy who's not a racist but says semi-politically incorrect things. Like, mimics the people's accents.

2A: Coach Goodwin: He's mean and yelly, but so far, he hasn't yelled at me yet.

2B: Ms. Rush: She's one of my favorites. She's nice, and pretty laid back.

3: Ms. Wiggs: She's pretty nice to people. Gets slightly aggrivated at people.

4: Ms. Lumpkin: She yells alot. You would not believe. She's the yelliest teacher in the bunch.

5: Ms Precht: She's my favorite teacher. She's really cool.

So, that's it. There's-a my teahcers. See ya on the flip-flop.

1) "Stop it!" {takes straws out of his nostrils}
"But baby, i was being a walrus!"

- Scrubs

2) Currently listening: Caring is Creepy - The Shins

1 comment:

weas said...

Just when I thought the music industry couldn't possibly get any stranger...but then, I've heard Jewish rap before (courtesy of Weird Al - but I'm not sure that it really counts).