Friday, December 2, 2005

Count Them, 2. And an Extra 100

This is my 100th blog post. As promised, i will say blog 100 times. That comes later.

Also, i have two new family members to welcome, i think one's not born yet. But one is!

The first, Lucien. My second cousin. My cousin's first child. This makes me wonder how weird this kid's gonna be (not in a bad way). I can't wait to meet the kid. Too bad i won't get to see him grow. On the other hand...

The second is Lucy. My new cousin and my uncle's first kid. This is gonna be great. My sister's gonna babysit her and we'll probably see her all the time. That'll be nice. I'll be the freak cousin.

My mom also went baby shopping today. Got clothes, what not. And family's probably ccoming out to see her after Christmas. It'll be nice to see family again. I miss them already.

So today, i'm staying home sick. Good thing it's Friday. So i have the whole weekend to recooperate. My mom's out to see something with Liz's "vocal prodution" class. It's at the fair grounds. She went at out at 11:43, now it's 1:53. Geeze.

1) "You are the weakest link! Good bye!"
"Wow, that's really funny! Dop you make up your own material? Because that is so fresh. Do yoiu have any Titanic jokes you wanna throw in? No?"

- Family Guy

2) Currently listening: Entire music library on Winamp

And now...

Blog 100 times.

There, i said it! You happy! I'm parched, i need a glas of water.

1 comment:

weas said...

Congrats on your hundredth post. I wonder how many posts I've made...probably too many to count.