Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My Can: Sulled

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey guess what?

The field trip today was cancelled
something wrong with transoirtation
Oh, well
My "day" was fine

Yesterday's field trip was OK, space fliught simulation. Kinda boring. Meh us the one-word summary.

Tonught, my parents are going to a college basketball game. My and Liz have the house to ourselves and must tape Scrubs.

Thursday is the cast party for Robin Hood in drama. All of everybody is going to be there. It's also during class, so yeah. Kinda funny.

1) "Then it's 3:00 AM, I'm on the corner wearing my leather, this dude comes up and says "Hey, punk!" I'm like, "Yeah, whatever!"

- United States of Whatever by Liam Lynch

2) Currently listenig to: Another Sunny Day by Belle and Sebastian

Monday, February 27, 2006

My Re-Mizz-Inder...

Tomorrow is the field trip analysis. Just saying.

I helped my dad work today, so did Liz. We got paid, so that's always fun. After my new purchase, that will bring me to about $10! Cool, no?

Ooo. guess whatz? On Saturday, i bought a really amazing CD: The Life Pursuit by Belle and Sebastian. It sorta sounds like alternative/oldies. It's pretty awesome. I got the deluxe edition with their BBC little concert on it. Their pretty goo live as well.

And you all know what's tomorrow, so I'm not going to ywll about it. Oh, who am i kidding? THE NEW NEWSRADIO DVD IS PUT TOMORROW! Yeah! I cn't wait until nxt eekend so i can go buy it! Season 3!

1) "Hey, Gob, how was it? Did you get the information?"
"Oh, i got the information."
"Really? About the international accounts?"
"Oh, i see what you're getting at, no, i didn't get the information."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently listening to: Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Sncaks - Panic! at the Disco

Friday, February 24, 2006

My Foxy Lady

This is the very first of my blog posts on none other than...MOZILLA FIREFOX!!!!!!! I literally JUST started using this, this is the seond site i went to, and i absolutely love the thing already. Just a whole lot better than IE already.

Anyway, in other blee-bloo, nothing too exciting went happening today. I have a field trip on Monday and Tuesday, that's pretty sweet, and the analysis of both of those trips will be posted right here, folks. You heard it right here first. Monday, Me and my science class are going to the Challenger Center where we are doing a simulation of a space flight, and Tuesday we're going to 3 museums, one of which is the Museum of Art, with my history class. I forget what the other two are.

Tonight, me and my sister are going to start the Scrubs DVDs over, from the first episode on. 1-1 to 2-22. 101 to 222. 1 to 46. That's all i can think of.

You know what really grinds my gears? The Ricky Gervais Show is going to make you charge for the new season onward. $1.95 per episode, $5.95 per season. I'm sorry, but I'm not paying for something that was free before. That's an outrage, dag-gummit. Ricky needs (more) money i guess. Sometimes, you know?

1) "Hurry son, put down the ball of yarn while you still can!"

- Ed

2) Currently listening to (later, after i download it): The Ricky Gervais Show - Episode 6

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My New Format

Lately, i have been enthralled with the free Ricky Gervais podcast. I am currently listening to episode 2, out of 12. They are m4a audio format. I think that only flys on Winamp.

In the first episode, Ricky was led to believe there were ads on a podcast, but then was informed by another that there were none. So, he decided to make his own ad for the UK DVD of Extras, his new BBC show which also runs here in the States on HBO. The results: hilarious.

So, there's not much else to talk about. we gotm our prizes for the Career Quest today. I got a CD wallet. I'm just using it as a DVD wallet, it's very horribly designed. It's really difficult to get the discs in the slot thingies. I should've saved room for NwesRadio S3, but I didn't. The contents of the wallet are:

Strongbad_email.exe Disk 4
Homestarrunner.cpm: Everything Else: Vol. 1
Scrubs: S1 (3-discs)
Scrubs: S2 (3-discs)
Arrested Development: S1 (3-discs)

Well, there that is. Only a week left until the release of NRS3!!!!! Sorry, I get giddy.

1) "Folks, if we were lyng, why would we be on television?"

- Sifl and Olly

2) Currently listening to: The Ricky Gervais Show: Episode 2

You can get the show here: savefile.com/projects.php?pid=101620

Monday, February 20, 2006

One Week From Tomorrow...

Season III of NewsRadio on DVD! You like how i used Roman numerals there? Do you?

Anyway, since i needed something to do today, i went with my Dad to work, i didn't really hate it. And I'm getting paid, so that's always nice. We went to BoJangle's (chicken joint) for lunch, and It was awesome. Just so we're clear. I sanded a little, helped with drill work, taped walls, blah blee blah. It was kinda fun.

Tomorrow is school, meh. Well, talk at you all later. But first...

Blog Breaking News!: I have decided to start naming my blog posts Scrubs-style. All the titles start with "My". My First Day, My Monster, My Fifteen Minutes, My Day Off, etc. I hope this'll giuve a little change to the feel of this, and it might be fun. Just trying new things, you know? Alright, time for da Day-Leez.

1) "Hi, why can't i taste anything?"
"Yeah, have you tryed putting the fod in your mouth?"
"Oh, thank you!"

- Sifl and Olly

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe DVDs

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Lean Wit It!

There's a song, i don't know by who, called "Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It". Nowadays at school if someone says, "Lean wit it!" All have to respond: "Rock wit it!" It's pretty funny.

Anyway, I'm not entusiastic about tomorrow. I know what you're saying, with it being a Friday and you having Monday off because of President's Day, but I don't think it's gonna be that good. Why is because BOTH drama coaches have subs, so it's going to be incredibly boring. The substitutes will have no idea whatsoever how to do anything, and it's going to be just plain old boring.

Wanna here some good news? I know you do. Well, in history we took a 50-question test. I talked to my teahcer later in the day and he said i did very good and only missed 5. So, that's excellent.

But here's some bad news: Recently there has been a rumor that The new CW network was going to resurrect Firefly, but on Joss Whedon's blog, he said that there was no possibility of that happening. Joss, you fool! Anyway, i guess that's OK, but i wanted to see more so badly. Oh well.

1) "Folks, if you're like me, you wake up in the middle of the night going, "Oh, these elf bites are so eechy, aww!""
"Elf bites?"

- Sifl and Olly

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_emal.exe DVDs

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Day 146: Tensions High

Just kidding. This ain't no reality show.

Yesterday in drama we stated a new unit on style. It was awesome what we did. We did this thing where you had a partner and partner A went up first and they would start playing a style of music. Partner A had to dance like they would dance to that music and the music would freeze. It was then Partner B's job to tag them out and assume their postiton before the music starts again and changes styles. It was fun to see other people get down.

Today was our Fort Jackson Career Day feild trip. We went there, and we went to different groups and talked to people in that group. I talked to a caterer, an artist, a paramedic, a physical therapist, an engineer, all kinds of things. There were 16 groups and however many you visited, you get a prize, I don't know what they are, but they better be worth it. The smallest prize was for people who got 5-9 people, second was for 10-14, and the biggest was 15+. I got 13, and I'm not expecting much, maybe a free burger or something from McDonald's, peh.

I really gotta tell ya, math is getting a whole lot easier. We're doing scientific notation now. It's so easy it's not even funny. OK, it's kinda funny. Alright, see ya'lls later for me to uncover the secret alliances!

1) "So there i was, walking my dog Pom Pom, and all of a sudden he starts growling and pooping all over the place."

- SB Email 145 (Myths and Legends)

2) Currently watching: Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Volume 2

Friday, February 10, 2006

Um, Darren? Were You Just Second-Basing it With That Videotape of the Last Four Episodes of Arrested Development Ever to Be Seen on FOX?

That's right. It's finally over everybody. We can all start moping and sobbing and walking Charlie Brown-style.

Tonight was the finale of AD, it was beyond words the best finale I've ever seen in my entire life. I can't wait until FOX cancels it so it came be on another network. I'm going to watch this tape until i hear any news whatsoever, then i will freak out and run screaming all over the house. If the news is good, of course.

Well, my favorite show has come to an end, and so has this entry. Good night.

1) "Can i have the twenty back? I just need to get that twenty back."
"What you need to know...is that it's magic!"
"Wow, that's so much like stealing."

- stop thinking you don't know what it's from

2) stop thinking you don't know what i'm watching

Thursday, February 9, 2006


Get it? SB Email number 144? I'm a genius. We're tied now! This is a milestone.

So, anyway, drama was incredibly boring today. The teachers weren't there because of the Robin Hood play. Meh, so we basically didn't do anything.

Also, tomorrow is YKWITA or You-Know-What-I'm-Talking-About for long. Well, I'm just gonna tape it and watch it all i want. Yeah! This is going to be incredible. The schedule for the night is as follows.

8:00: AD Episode 310: Fakin' It
8:30: AD Episode 311: Family Ties (guest starring Justine Bateman, i know right?)
9:00: AD Episode 312: Exit Strategy
9:30: AD Episode 313: Development Arrested

There, here's the Dizz-Ailies.

1) "Here he comes, here comes John Wayne..."I'm not gonna cry about my pa. I'm gonna build an airport, put my name on it." Why Michael? So you can fly away from your dreams?

- AD Episode 204 (Good Grief)

2) Currently watching (Internet TV) - NewsRadio Episode 417 (Balloon)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

A Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Your Television

youtube.com is a website hosting thousands of on-demand videos, from anime to primetime to home movies. Uplaod your own also, it's pretty cool and the registration is free, of course.

Del Tuesday

It is the 7th of February, three days till all hell breaks loose. Seriously, everyone will be going nicking fruts after Friday, and you all know why, no?

Anyway, i have confidence in me for a little change, math is getting easier and easier. And i've come to the conclusion that no one understands me. I know, sad. It's totally true. I don't know why things ended up this way but they certainly did. Oh well, i guess i'll just...i don't know.

So, I've been really getting enthralled by this really hilarious "The OC" spoof called "The 'Bu." Short for Malibu. The first 8 episdoes are hilarious, as i said, but then the guys who made it weren't there anymore and then it got killed after about 4 really bad episodes made by all different people. So just watch the first 8. Please.

Tomorrow's a half-day, so i'll be home around I don't know when. I think we get out at 1:00 again. You'll probably get a little post tomorrow. Alright, talk ya later.

1) "I wish you wouldn't look at me like that, Napoleon."
"I wish you'd get out of my life and SHUT UP!"

- Napoleon Dynamite

2) "Currently watching: Fave episodes of AD, before it's canned.

Monday, February 6, 2006

I Want Out.

I witnessed my first in-school fist fight today. It was between two people who were basically troublemakers, so that's no suprise. So, they're probably suspended. I don't care.

So, as i listen to The Ofiice (UK) on Internet TV, i think back at how good that show was. Blah-dee-blah.

You know, this Friday is, um...THE 2-HOUR SEASON FLIPPIN' FINALE OF ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT! Sorry, gotta go take a Tylenol. I really don't care if it gets canceled, because Showtime has pledged to pick up 2 seasons upfront. I don't know, i kind of want it to go to ABC because they have alot more money than Showtime and they will have more episodes. Anyway, this paragraph is long as it is. I'll leave now.

1) "I gotta go, i have a job interview...something you apply for and then the pay you to...nevermind, i don't want to ruin the surprise."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development (Episode 101)

Sunday, February 5, 2006

XL: Super Bowl Extra Large

Yes, it's the time for football that i never watch, but those commercials...

In otherdangnews, the family has rented m,ovies and viewed them they are as follows:

Flightplan: 4/5
Crash: 4/5

Anyway, that's pretty much it. I also formatted my MP3 player and started from scratch. I just wanted to sart over. I've gone from 126 songs to 93. A big deduction, don't you think? Well, I'm gonna go now. My sister's seeing Annapolis with her whatever he is now tonight. We're having tacos. Seeya.

1) "Michael, do you still have that friend who makes fake moustaches?"

- Stella

2) Currently listening to: The Life Pursuit - Belle and Sebastian

Friday, February 3, 2006

A Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Meeeeeeeow!

Ladies and gentleman, i give you...


Click on the kitten which is the cutest, or send in your own! It's ever so simple! Just clickity-click!

Is This the Last Day of School?

Usually in Oregon, it gets hot around May, so the last day of school, no ones wears coats, and it's warm. That was today, people were wearing coats in the morning, but they were off by the end of the day.

I don't really know why, but this is the best Friday I've had in a long time. I felt I did pretty good on the math test. But there is something evil afoot...

For the last three days, the sound has not come out of the computer speakers. We've checked Volume Control and all the pulgs and cords seem to be perfectly fine, and the speakers have never had this kind of probem before. This is a quirky quandry, My friends. I will get to the bottom of this!

1) "Hey, Dave, you wanna see a movie about a talking pig?"
"Not really, sir."
"Talking pig, what'll they think of next?"

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: Scrubs: Season 2

Thursday, February 2, 2006


It's Groundhog Day, which i feel is no relevant to anything. Considering the fact that it doesn't have anything to do with shadows. The Equinox is happeniing anyway! It's just some boring holiday and a great movie.

The math test was today, i felt completely dumbfounded by only two problems. It was pretty simple.

So, not much happening. Well, I'll leave to something funny.

1) J.D.: Hey, Turk! Turk! Wait, wait, wait! Wait, wait, wait! Look, I can totally get you back in with all the surgery boys.
Turk: [sarcastic] Oh, can you? Really? Totally?
J.D.: Yeah, man! I'll just talk to 'em. You know, Shmitty, Schultzy, Trigger, Fig-sack, Small Pete, Little Pete, Tiny Pete, The Jackal, Aardvark, and Steve!
Turk: Dude, who the hell are you talking about?
J.D.: Oh, yeah, we all went out last night, and I sorta made up some new nicknames for all the fellas. By the way, you're "Slappy-bag."
Turk: You've lost it.
{He turns and keeps walking.}
J.D.: Come on! Slappy-bag!

- Scrubs

2) Currently watching: Scrubs - Season 2