Monday, February 20, 2006

One Week From Tomorrow...

Season III of NewsRadio on DVD! You like how i used Roman numerals there? Do you?

Anyway, since i needed something to do today, i went with my Dad to work, i didn't really hate it. And I'm getting paid, so that's always nice. We went to BoJangle's (chicken joint) for lunch, and It was awesome. Just so we're clear. I sanded a little, helped with drill work, taped walls, blah blee blah. It was kinda fun.

Tomorrow is school, meh. Well, talk at you all later. But first...

Blog Breaking News!: I have decided to start naming my blog posts Scrubs-style. All the titles start with "My". My First Day, My Monster, My Fifteen Minutes, My Day Off, etc. I hope this'll giuve a little change to the feel of this, and it might be fun. Just trying new things, you know? Alright, time for da Day-Leez.

1) "Hi, why can't i taste anything?"
"Yeah, have you tryed putting the fod in your mouth?"
"Oh, thank you!"

- Sifl and Olly

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe DVDs

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