Friday, February 24, 2006

My Foxy Lady

This is the very first of my blog posts on none other than...MOZILLA FIREFOX!!!!!!! I literally JUST started using this, this is the seond site i went to, and i absolutely love the thing already. Just a whole lot better than IE already.

Anyway, in other blee-bloo, nothing too exciting went happening today. I have a field trip on Monday and Tuesday, that's pretty sweet, and the analysis of both of those trips will be posted right here, folks. You heard it right here first. Monday, Me and my science class are going to the Challenger Center where we are doing a simulation of a space flight, and Tuesday we're going to 3 museums, one of which is the Museum of Art, with my history class. I forget what the other two are.

Tonight, me and my sister are going to start the Scrubs DVDs over, from the first episode on. 1-1 to 2-22. 101 to 222. 1 to 46. That's all i can think of.

You know what really grinds my gears? The Ricky Gervais Show is going to make you charge for the new season onward. $1.95 per episode, $5.95 per season. I'm sorry, but I'm not paying for something that was free before. That's an outrage, dag-gummit. Ricky needs (more) money i guess. Sometimes, you know?

1) "Hurry son, put down the ball of yarn while you still can!"

- Ed

2) Currently listening to (later, after i download it): The Ricky Gervais Show - Episode 6

1 comment:

weas said...

Congrats on switching to Firefox. May it serve thee well.